Expensive: how much do abs cost?

Not only men, but also many girls dream of having cubes on the abdomen. It is not so easy to achieve them. Training alone is not always enough for a well-defined relief. And few people think about how much it actually costs to have abs like Emily Ratakowski. We tell you how much the cherished “cubes” and oblique muscles can cost.

Gym classes and personal trainer

Cost in Moscow: 3000-4000 rubles (monthly subscription) or about 2000 rubles (personal training).

Result: in about 1.5 months.

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “abs” is the gym. More precisely long and hard training until the seventh sweat. Indeed, sports sooner or later will help to acquire a relief body. However, to quickly achieve a good result, without the help of special equipment and a knowledgeable specialist can not do without.

In the case of relief, it is not only and not so much in the training itself, but in the subcutaneous fat. Some people initially have little of it, and in the course of training the abs “show up” by themselves. However, many people face a problem: no matter how much you pump your abdominal muscles, you don’t get any cubes on your torso. If you don’t have time or don’t want to find a solution on your own, the best option is to consult a professional trainer. He will tell you what exercises are suitable for you, and make a personal training program.

Work with a nutritionist

Cost in Moscow: 3000-4000 rubles (initial appointment) + 2000-3000 rubles (repeated appointments).

Result: in about 3 months.

Achieve outstanding relief can be achieved not only with the help of exercises, but also by selecting the right diet. Help in this can help a nutritionist or nutritionist. Together with a specialist you can make an effective and comfortable diet plan. In addition, in combination with training, this method will help to achieve results even faster.

Salon procedures

Cost in Moscow: from 10,000 rubles per month.

Result: in about 1.5 months.

Less costly in terms of their own forces, but more expensive way – hardware procedures in the salon. Today the choice is quite large: endosphere, LPG-massage, laser liposuction, lipolytics injections. You can choose what suits you.

Most procedures are aimed at working with subcutaneous fatty tissue. For example, laser liposuction destroys fat deposits with the help of laser flashes. And special preparations lipolytics raise the level of a natural enzyme that accelerates fat metabolism, and generally improve the condition of the skin.

Plastic surgery

Cost in Moscow: from 70,000 rubles.

Result: in about 10 days.

This method is the fastest, but also the most expensive. Get relief abs will help two procedures. The first is the well-known liposuction, when the problem areas are literally “pumped out” excess fat. The second – abdominoplasty, in her case, not only get rid of fat deposits, but also tighten the sagging skin.

As practice shows, the most affordable method of fighting excess weight remains a healthy lifestyle – proper nutrition and sports. Special procedures and operations, although they give relatively quick and visible results, do not always justify the money spent. It is not enough to pump the abs once. In order for the body to remain relief and taut, it is necessary to maintain physical fitness, for example, with the same training.

The articles of “Championship” will help you figure out what exercises you need and how to plan your diet better. And it is absolutely free of charge.

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