How much does the ideal body weigh and is it worth striving for?

Each person has his or her own ideals of beauty. Some are of the opinion that the ideal parameters of the female body – 90-60-90, others strive for pathological thinness, and others love and accept themselves at a weight of more than 100 kg. Who is right?

Elvina Binatova

doctor-endocrinologist, doctor-dietitologist “SM-Clinica”

Each person has his ideal individual weight.

How much a healthy person should weigh

The main cause of underweight or overweight is an incorrect diet and lack of physical activity. There is such a concept as body mass index (BMI) – it is the ratio of weight and height of a person, which is calculated as weight (kg) / height (m2). According to the results of the calculation, you can assess whether the weight is underweight, overweight or normal. For example, for a girl with a height of 172 cm and a weight of 66 kg, this index is 22.6 kg/m2 and is within the norm until reaching a weight of 74 kg. However, you should not be completely oriented on this indicator.

Body mass index in the range of 22-24 kg/m2 is considered normal, but some people with this value of BMI have a large fat mass and low muscle mass. Also, people with well-developed muscle mass and who are not overweight may have a BMI of 29-31 kg/m² or higher, which usually correspond to obesity.

BMI can be used to determine increased or decreased body weight values, but the method does not show at the expense of which body component such changes have occurred. In order to obtain more accurate data on the composition of your body, you should undergo bioimpedance analysis, which allows a more detailed assessment of basic body parameters.

Bioimpedance analysis of body composition is an analysis that calculates the baseline metabolic rate, the amount of fat, muscle and skeletal mass, the total fluid content of the body and the ratio of these indicators to identify the primary causes of metabolic disorders.

More about metabolism was written here.

It is worth remembering that each person has his or her own ideal weight. The most important thing is to love yourself and be healthy. To do this, it is necessary to eat right, lead an active lifestyle and adhere to a proper daily regimen (for example, go to bed before 23:00).

Why you should not strive for conventional standards of beauty

Most people do not accept their natural beauty and constantly strive to change something about themselves. Beauty standards are dictated by representatives of show business, movies, media. But such beauty is not “healthy”.

Under the pressure of public opinion, all women, from small to great, starve themselves and repeatedly perform plastic surgery. Do not strive to become an exact copy of the ideal. Sometimes obsession with your own appearance can lead to nutritional disorders, mental state and disease.

Read about the consequences of starvation in this material.

In order to achieve your ideal weight, you need to adhere to the following principles:

  • first of all, the body should be healthy;
  • you should lead an active lifestyle;
  • it is necessary to eat a proper and balanced diet;
  • get a good night’s sleep;
  • protect yourself from stress;
  • correct posture is important.

But the most important point is to accept and love yourself in any form and strive not for ideals, but for a healthy body.

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