How to make yourself known without shyness? 4 tips to speak confidently about your advantages

Seda Kasparova

Voice design, speech and public speaking coach, TEDx speaker, corporate trainer

It amazes us when people talk confidently about accomplishments and skills without hesitation when listing them on a resume. Moreover, they are able to list their strengths. But not everyone does this, most people prefer to stay in the shadows. Why does this happen and how to reverse the situation?

Why are we afraid to praise ourselves?

With pride to tell about personal advantages prevents impostor syndrome. It is because of it that a person decides to keep a low profile, to keep silent, because he does not think that his knowledge and skills are of any value. People with this problem can not express their point of view, object, defend their opinion in a dispute.

Imposter syndrome comes from childhood, and it often goes hand in hand with the syndrome of excellent. A person who several times “burned” on the fact that he expressed a different judgment and was wrong or made mistakes for which he was scolded, in the future may fear to differ from the majority. Also to say something that is fundamentally different from the opinion of others. Because of the fear of miscalculating, someone may even choose the strategy of avoiding anything new. Why? It is a way out of the comfort zone.

There is nothing wrong with staying in the area and in the place where you are familiar with everything. But it is worth remembering that you are depriving yourself of the opportunity for growth and development. An Armenian proverb says: “A door opens a door”, which means that when we decide to try something unknown, we get chances we didn’t even realize we had. A whole different perspective can open up in front of us.

How to make yourself known without shyness?

Being able to talk about your strengths and “sell” yourself is important for development and career growth. If you defeat your inner impostor, you will be able to put a higher price for your services, boldly go to interviews, defend your opinion in disputes, ask for a raise. You will grow in your own eyes and in the eyes of others. What to do for this?

Digitize your achievements

Stop thinking that you don’t know how to do anything, you’re just like the rest of us, there’s nothing special about you. Write down where you’ve worked and what you’ve been doing, what you’ve achieved during that time. Perhaps the number of your clients, the number of texts you’ve written, the number of trainings you’ve done or the hours you’ve spent on consultations are measured in hundreds. Maybe your clients include large companies or famous personalities. Or the knowledge and skills you possess are unique and what you know how to do – almost no one else does.

After you make the list, you’ll realize that you know how to do a lot of things. So, you have the right to share your successes, to express your opinion. And do it without any shyness.

Stop being afraid of criticism

Often we don’t talk about our strengths and praise ourselves for fear of haters and those who will criticize us. It’s important to remember that all these people don’t have a tenth of your experience. Therefore, their words should not be taken seriously.

In addition, most critics simply do not know how to “ecologically” express their thoughts. They don’t think about the fact that their words can be traumatizing.

It’s important to recognize that someone else’s negative opinion doesn’t make you worse. People may have a different point of view. Furthermore, you don’t have to be good for everyone – liking everyone is simply impossible.

Speak confidently

If you start talking about what a great specialist you are, but you do it in a stammering, shaky voice, it is unlikely that anyone will believe your words. You need to declare yourself confidently and clearly. Without mooing, “hiccups” and words-parasites.

Try recording your speech on a tape recorder or camera. You may find that you mumble or speak too quietly. It’s important to recognize what gives away your inner insecurity.

Learn to believe in yourself

You will stop being embarrassed to talk about your victories once you become successful for yourself. Stop dismissing and assuming that there is nothing special about your skills. Pay attention to how your coworkers or others respond to you and your actions. Analyze what makes you stand out from others.

Examine what comes easy to you. This may be difficult or impossible for others. For example, fast and error-free printing, the ability to negotiate with difficult customers, attentiveness, or the ability to always arrive on time.

If you start treating yourself with respect and become an asset in your own eyes, others will look at you differently. As a result, you will be able to talk about your own strengths with pride and without any shame.

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