Why should athletes drink beet juice?
What are the benefits of beet juice? Why is it important for athletes to drink it? How does the product improve athletic performance? How much should you drink?
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Liquid chlorophyll: what is this new beauty trend and why is it needed?
nutrition specialist, founder of the GetVegetable nutrition delivery service What is liquid chlorophyll? What is the usefulness of liquid chlorophyll? Who should not drink it? A new HEAVY
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Is yeast dough so dangerous and should you give it up?
Is yeast really dangerous? What is harmful yeast dough? Let’s find out together with a nutritionist. In the network, there are many articles about the terrible harm of
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Myths about water that you should stop believing in long ago
Do I need to drink less water if I have edema? Is there a universal norm for the amount of water? Is it possible to wash down food?
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Which water is healthier: raw, boiled or mineral water?
Is boiled water different from raw water and mineral water? Can it be mixed? Let’s find out together with a nutritionist. Drink plenty of water, don’t forget to
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Which foods should be eaten together and which should not and why?
Is it true that some foods should not be combined with each other? How do such combinations affect the absorption of important substances? Let’s find out together with
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What foods should you include in your diet after 50 and why?
nutritionist What is worth eating after 50 years of age? What foods are useful for older people? In youth, many people neglect their health and do not think
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Why can’t you eat tomatoes every day?
Tomatoes have a number of beneficial properties. But are they really so useful and can they be eaten every day? Let’s find out together with a nutritionist. Portuguese
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Is it harmful to drink tea or coffee with food? Scientists and experts think otherwise
Is it okay to wash down food? How does it affect health? Let’s find out together with nutritionists. Nutritionists still can not come to a consensus on whether
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What are the dangers of wild mushrooms? PP-soup made from them can do more harm than good
nutrition expert, founder of the GetVegetable nutrition delivery service Why can forest mushrooms be dangerous? “Let’s go mushroom picking!”, “Do you go mushroom picking?” – such suggestions and
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