The businessman who lost 130 pounds because of David Beckham.
The businessman who lost 130 pounds because of David Beckham. Valeria Barinova November 19, 2018, 18:30 MSC A real man. Just took it and did it! The story
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Let’s be healthier: what are the dangers of milk and should we eliminate it from our diet?
Today in her author ‘ s column #DietitologistReviews cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences, member of the National Society of Nutritionists, the Russian Society of Cardiology, WORLD CLASS Romanov
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Personal Experience. Body transformation in 6 months – real or not?
Every day there are more and more people who want to challenge themselves to achieve the perfect shape. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to understand
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The trainer answers: what is functional training and why do you need it?
Recently, more and more people involved in fitness are thinking not so much about their appearance, but about health and well-being. It is great when walking up the
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Hardening: a relic of the Soviet past or the most accessible spa?
Harden yourself if you want to be healthy! Everyone knows the lines from the song, but few dare to try it out. But maybe it’s not all that
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Appetizing shapes: how many calories are in popular fast food?
Appetizing shapes: how many calories are in popular fast food? December 6, 2018, 18:45 MSC How not to accidentally eat a week’s worth of calories in a day.
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Sadness: How can a visit to a hamam save you from depression?
During the winter cold season, we need a reboot more than ever. It is not for nothing that November and December are recognized as one of the most
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What happens to your body if you do the plank every day?
What happens to your body if you do the plank every day? Yulia Bagautdinova December 10, 2018, 13:45 MSC Just 1 minute a day on the way to
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Sporty and useful: 15 ideas for a New Year’s gift for a girl
The question of gifts before the New Year always comes up very acutely. Especially when you have to choose a gift for her. The stores are bustling, men
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A race for the strong-hearted: 2019 triathlon start calendar
A race for the strong-hearted: 2019 triathlon start calendar Valeria Barinova December 19, 2018, 17:00 MSC Test yourself for strength. And you need to start preparing today. Over
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