Pilates for beginners. 4 simple exercises that will pump up your whole body

Pilates for beginners. 4 simple exercises that will pump your whole body

Pilates for beginners

This workout should be done standing up.

If you still think that you can get your body in order only by lifting weights in the gym, we hasten to dissuade you. Slow and deliberate exercises without equipment will do the job just as well. If you’re not a fan of dumbbells and exercise machines, try Pilates and start with our workout today. All the moves are seemingly simple, but try doing a few laps. We assure you, your muscles will be surprised.

Janelia Skripnik

fitness trainer and blogger

Shows a full-body Pilates workout.

Simultaneous leg and arm raises


  • Put the right leg wide back, the left leg – the supporting leg – slightly bend at the knee. The body is slightly inclined forward. Hands down, fingers tense.
  • As you exhale, simultaneously raise your arms and right leg up. Your arms should rise to the same level as your head. Hold this position for a second.
  • As you inhale, lower yourself back to the starting position.

Perform 30-35 times.

Raising the arms in static


  • Put the right leg wide back, the left leg – the supporting leg – slightly bend at the knee. The body is slightly tilted forward. Hands down, fingers tense.
  • Raise your arms up to head level and lower them down.
  • Keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

Do 15-20 repetitions.

Backward leg swings


  • Put the right leg wide back, the left leg – the supporting leg – slightly bend at the knee. The body is slightly tilted forward. Hands can be placed on the thigh of the supporting leg. Do not arch your back.
  • As you exhale, lift your right leg up, the movement should not be sharp.
  • As you inhale, slowly lower the leg down.

Do 20 times each.



  • Starting position is the same as in the previous exercises. The right leg is behind you, the left leg is in front. Arms are down and tense.
  • Simultaneously raise your arms and right leg up.
  • At the top point, make three springy upward movements and then lower yourself down.

Perform 15 repetitions.


Execution Technique

  • Now straighten your left leg and do a forward bend, at the bottom point perform springy movements.
  • Then put the left foot on the heel, and bend the right one, also perform springy bends to the foot.
  • Now straighten up, lock your hands, reach forward behind your hands, round your back.
  • Straighten up, perform several breathing cycles, raising and lowering the arms through the sides.

Repeat the whole complex on the other side – it will be one circle. For a complete workout, you need to perform three or four circles. For detailed exercises, see the video.

This complex of exercises involves almost the entire body, especially the buttocks and legs. Exercise regularly, watch your diet and sleep schedule, and your body will be trim and healthy.

After exercising, you need to give your body a good rest. In this can help massage roll, which has become popular recently. Read about how to relieve muscle tension with the help of this exercise machine here.

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