Over the weekend, Quiksilver presented the first, and therefore potentially legendary, full-length movie about surfing in Russia. Two years of filming, unique locations, professional surfers and incredible beauty of untouched nature – all this is without exaggeration about the movie “Surf”.
Watch it on the official YouTube channel.
Immediately after the premiere we talked to one of the heroes of the film Sergei Expyvaev and director Kostya Kokorev to find out how difficult it is to create such a great movie and what it is like to be the first in your business. After all, you’ll agree that the phrase “surfing in Russia” even sounds strange. But what if one day you find out that it’s much simpler than that?
– How does it feel to be a pioneer?
Sergey Expedivaev: It’s probably interesting first of all. When it became clear that our own country is full of “discoveries” in terms of surfing and waves, we decided to do it. Before that we traveled all over the world. I think people mostly start doing something thoroughly when they come to some kind of realization, for that reason.
– What inspired you and your team to make the first feature film about surfing in Russia?
– The idea had been discussed for many years. We wanted to, but it wasn’t quite clear whether we could pull off such a movie. Financially very costly, a lot of time is needed, etc. So first there was a project consisting of episodes. I think the finale was episode 5. It turned out to be very atmospheric, and the main thing, I think, made Kostya Kokorev, the director of the film, realize that he can make a full meter. Within the framework of SurfSiberia project his talent was revealed and more and more understanding about surfing in Russia, about people who do it, and not only. When on one of his work trips Kostya suggested that I take on this big project, I agreed right away. At the time, of course, I didn’t realize where everything was going(smiles).
– Many riders say that there is not so much demand for full-length action movies nowadays because almost every athlete has his own video files and people only need to watch 5-7 minutes of video to get inspired. Do you agree with this or is it not quite true?
– This situation does take place. Only it concerns action in its purest form. To be honest, watching how super cool even the best surfer rides is unrealistically boring. Yes, the change of locations, music and angles keeps your attention, but not for long. Especially since you can share an unrealistic trick on Instagram. That’s what everyone does.
The movie “Surf” is completely different. Kostya made a movie about the country, about people. I fully share this approach. We have very little surfing for a classic surf video or movie. And, frankly speaking, it would be a bit strange to try to compete with the world’s PROs in the level of riding or with “Hollywood production” in the coolness of filming.
Kostya Kokarev, director: “It is one hundred percent true that nowadays it is commercially unprofitable to create big movies. But we created the mood for ourselves and for our viewers. To turn on this movie in 10, 15, 20, 40 years and feel the salty smell of the Arctic Ocean or the Caspian Sea. This film should be watched on the big screen, in the theater, to feel and experience everything together with us”.
– How long did you work on the movie?
– If we take the full meter, then a year and a half. Shooting alternated with post-production.
– On what principle did you choose shooting locations?
– On the basis of what we were interested in. There was a list of locations, and we traveled around them depending on the opportunities or wave forecast.
– In a nutshell, where are the places where you can surf in Russia?
– Any large body of water where the wind blows. If a beginner, it is better where there are schools. Kamchatka, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Vladivostok, Crimea.
– What difficulties did you have to face on the court? After all, the weather conditions in our country are quite variable.
– In our case, it was very difficult to shoot straight to the plan. Like in a movie. It happened many times that we wanted to do one thing, but it turned out differently. But that’s not what I want to say. The most interesting thing is not the difficulties, which were abundant, or the lack of funds and resources. It is the other thing that is important. Everywhere we went, we had some of the best forecasts of the last year or two. Many things were so successful that I think we should not blame our failures. In one famous action movie The Fourth Phase the crew waited almost a month for weather in the Kurils. And in the end they never filmed anything because of difficulties with the border guards. We waited only three days, got to the Kurils and shot everything we wanted. This is just one example.
– How many people worked on the movie?
– If you count everyone who helped in some way, then probably 60-70 people were involved in the process in one way or another.
Kostya Kokarev, director: “If we look less globally, we worked on the movie virtually alone. Sergei was in charge of the financial and administrative component, and I was in charge of the creative process: selecting actors, choosing interesting locations and coming up with the whole story. The main difficulty was that due to budget constraints, we had to combine a lot of roles”.
– Surfing in Russia sounds harsh. What do you think should be done to popularize it?
– Create content, energize people by example. Create infopromotions and tell the media through them that it exists. We have been doing this for many years. It’s just a matter of not stopping. Although a couple of years ago I realized that if even the most active members of the surf movement stop doing it, surfing in Russia will still develop. Maybe slower, but it will not die. The process has been launched, and it lives.
– Are there any places for surfing in Russia that don’t have ultra-complicated weather conditions?
– Of course, in summer you can ski everywhere. Well, maybe except for the Barents Sea and other northern seas. The Black Sea, the Caspian Sea – you can skate there without a wetsuit. In St. Petersburg it would be possible, but the winds prevent it. In Kaliningrad you can surf in summer.
– Is it realistic for a beginner to surf for the first time in Russia?
– Yes, there are plenty of such examples. Of course, in the heat and on the ocean you can do more in less time, but if you live near the sea or a large lake (Ladoga, Baikal, etc.), you can start and practice there.
– If you were to characterize the picture you made in two sentences, how would you describe it?
– A movie about Russia and the people living in it through the prism of surfing. A movie about those who don’t defend themselves with stereotypes, but take risks, follow their own path and look for opportunities.
Kostya Kokarev, director: “This picture is about our country, about our vast territories, about the people who live here, and about places that many people don’t even realize. It’s also about the soul.