What happens to the body if you cry every day? Let’s find out with a psychologist and a doctor

Daria Yausheva

cognitive-behavioral psychologist, schema therapist

Showing emotion in the form of tears can happen to everyone. It is a natural ability of our body, first occurring at birth. This is how babies communicate stress, discomfort. As they grow up, the nervous system strengthens and a person learns to control the process of tears, to show excessive emotions.

Cry not only from sadness or pain, but also during joyful moments. So the nervous system responds to the exciting moments in life. Helps the brain to unload.

Also tears by their composition have enzymes with antibacterial action. Therefore, crying is useful not only to reduce stress, but also to eliminate harmful substances from the body.

But due to life circumstances and temperament, emotionality can be increased. Hence the division into sentimental, highly sensitive natures, more often using tears as a protective reflex, and firm, restrained people who rarely allow themselves to let a tear.

Despite the tenderness of character and excessive sensitivity, it is the first type of people are considered the most healthy and strong psychologically. Tears – a normal reflex that helps to deal with their internal problems, and it is not worth it to hold them back.

Emotions are a signaling system. If there is sadness, then there is a reason that causes it. It is necessary to learn to recognize negative feelings and live them.

However, it is not always about the real experience, sometimes excessive emotions – this is evidence of hormonal disorders. In this case, it is necessary to check with an endocrinologist.

Tears are a natural way to get rid of tension. If you look purely physiologically, it is one of the ways to get rid of toxins. For a psychologist, it is an important sign that a person is getting rid of tension and accumulated emotions. He comes to his senses, comes into contact with something valuable.

In case of emergencies, the task of the specialist is to induce a person to cry, so that there is no “freezing”. It is with tears that the process of realizing problems takes place.

A much more dangerous state – constantly control emotions and do not allow yourself to be sensitive. It can threaten psychosomatic manifestations in the future. Therefore, crying is definitely not harmful. If there is a reason and a need for it.

Why crying is good for health, told here.

Another thing – if a person cries every day for a long time. This exhausts physiologically and can lead to fainting, so the brain reacts to excessive stressful situations. He will shut down if you yourself can not take breaks and give him rest.

It is necessary to understand what is behind this behavior. Perhaps these are signs of depression or some other serious psychological illness.

Therefore, with any prolonged emotional states, daily crying, it is better to monitor the condition and seek professional help.

Doctor’s opinion

Irina Yuzup

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of integrative, preventive and conventional medicine, nutritiologist

If we consider crying as a physiologic process, it can have its own consequences, especially when a person cries daily for a long time.

After frequent bouts of crying, headaches, eye and eyebrow tics, increased heart rate and breathing, and increased blood pressure may occur.

Back problems may also begin to occur, with the cervical spine under severe strain during crying episodes. Without replenishing the balance of fluids and electrolytes, dehydration, sodium deficiency is possible.

If we consider crying as a reaction to stress, the spectrum of symptoms is much greater: from endocrine to neurological. After all, overstrain negatively affects mitochondria (power plants that produce the energy necessary for the body) and the synthesis of hormones. It is necessary to cry, but it is even more necessary to control stress levels.

The link tells why it is important to take care of mental health.
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