What to do if you are uncomfortable being alone with yourself. 8 simple solutions

What to do if you are uncomfortable being alone with yourself. 8 simple solutions

Olga Egorova

Olga Egorova

How to deal with loneliness

Loneliness is no less important for mental health than socializing with people.

Sometimes, only by being alone with yourself, you can truly understand your feelings. But what if that’s when homesickness strikes? Let’s talk to an expert.

Olga Egorova

Practical psychologist, neuropsychologist, CPT-therapist, art-therapist, Ph.

When we are in temporary solitude, we are overtaken by the realization of our “non-ideality”. The inner critic can and should be fought. Here’s how to do it.

What to do to make solitude enjoyable, not misery

  • Practice meditation;
  • engage in creative endeavors;
  • plan for self-development;
  • commune with nature;
  • read, write;
  • listen to music;
  • contemplate works of art;
  • exercise.

Anxious thoughts are internal events of great importance to us. As a rule, they become more explicit and intrusive precisely during a period of solitude – forced or voluntary.

However, it is by observing such thoughts from the outside that we can assess their realism, credibility and “catastrophizing”. For example, we can debunk myths about ourselves: are you really so weak, lazy and unsuccessful? Or is it just a figment of your anxious imagination?

Exercise “Dialogue with your inner critic”.

It is important to realize that the “inner critic” is not always right, his statements can and should be argued with. Therefore, we imagine this “critic” as an unfamiliar, separate being from us and allow him to speak out, subjecting each phrase to reciprocal criticism. When the supply of criticism dries up, ask yourself a simple question, “Who am I when this voice is silent?”

Learn to recognize your value and your achievements, even if they are not yet ideal. And then being alone with yourself will be filled with love and respect for yourself, as well as interesting plans for self-development. Spending time alone is no less important than socializing with people. Self-dating can help with this – read more about it in our previous article.

If you are not yet used to the comfort of being alone with yourself, take solitude in small portions to gradually get used to it. And then return to society. This will make you realize that isolation does not exist, and you can choose to be alone to focus on an interesting case, or immerse yourself in communication. But communication will also be more meaningful and joyful if you come to it with a positive experience of self-knowledge and self-acceptance.

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