Which 10 food groups help vision. Told by an ophthalmologist

Irina Shikalovic

ophthalmologist of the highest category, chief physician of the Happy Look network

What vitamins are useful for eye health? From what products can they be obtained?

It is important to note that the main role is played not so much by foods as by the vitamins they contain. To maintain eye health, like any other organ, certain groups of microelements are necessary. But this does not mean that it is possible to limit oneself to a single correction of the diet.

A person’s lifestyle also has a big impact on eye health. For example, according to the WHO World Vision Report, smoking carries a risk of age-related vision changes, while vitamin A deficiency can contribute to corneal clouding.

Nuts and seeds

People who don’t eat fish can get omega-3 from plant-based foods. Walnuts have the highest level of this fatty acid at 9.08g per 100g. It also has Omega-6 and Omega-9, a complex of vitamins B, E, PP, K. There is also a lot of Omega-3 in flaxseed oil and chia seeds.

Dark chocolate

Flavonoids, which strengthen blood vessels and positively affect the collagen fibers in the cornea, are found in dark chocolate. But the proportion of cocoa must be at least 75%.


An important trace element in maintaining eye health is zinc. It fights premature aging of the lens, which can reduce the likelihood of cataracts. You can find zinc in many familiar foods: legumes, sesame seeds, eggs, beef and nuts.

Eggs and cottage cheese

Selenium also has antioxidant properties and may slow age-related retinal degeneration. Sources include sunflower seeds, beans, tuna, chicken eggs, and cottage cheese.

Blueberries and black currants

Anthocyanins are the very beneficial substances found in blueberries and black currants. They perform many functions: they act as antioxidants, strengthen the walls of blood vessels in the retina, help improve vision at night.

Green salads

Foods such as spinach, kale and eggs are rich in lutein. And since the absorption of lutein increases with light heat treatment, these foods can be sauteed, steamed, lightly fried or baked.

Carrots and grapefruit

Vitamin A, or retinol, strengthens the cornea of the eye and has a positive effect on visual acuity. If the body lacks it, there may be problems with the synthesis of the visual pigment rhodopsin. This causes the so-called chicken blindness – the inability to clearly see objects at dusk or in the dark. Color perception may also be impaired.

Vitamin A can be obtained from freshly squeezed vegetable juices. It is also found in blueberries, carrots and grapefruit, beef and pork liver and fish oil. Its daily allowance for an adult is 1.5 mg. Since vitamin A is fat-soluble, it will be useful to dress carrot salads with vegetable oil.

Spinach and wheat bread

Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is responsible for the smooth transmission of nerve impulses between the visual system and the brain, and also helps normalize intraocular pressure. It is found in wheat bread made from coarse flour, soy, peas, spinach, as well as in pork and beef kidneys and liver.

It is important to remember that products are not able to “cure” myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism. These disorders are associated with the incorrect shape of the eyeball and the characteristics of the eye, so it will not be possible to correct this by correcting the diet. However, a balanced diet, taking into account all important vitamins and microelements, will help to normalize the work of the eyes, slow down age-related changes in the retina and provide its nutrition.

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