In the modern world, the pace of life is accelerating, the psychological load is increasing, and the number of people with chronic fatigue and various diseases is not greatly decreasing. And this is despite the fact that now there are so many ways to control yourself and pump up your mental health.
Georgy Gorgiladze – member of the Russian Yoga Federation and Yoga Alliance International, record holder of Guinness World Records and participant of the International Festival of Healthy Lifestyle and Sports SN PRO EXPO FORUM – shared easy and practical ways to improve your health. They are taken from classical yoga.
A human being cannot exist without breathing. One of the oldest expressions in yoga says: “He who controls his breath controls his body and mind”.
The easiest and cheapest way to put your thoughts and feelings in order is to breathe. Better yet, do it like a real yogi.
The Complete Yogic Breath
By learning it, you’ll learn how to relieve your heart and stress, improve the functioning of your internal organs and brain, strengthen your immune system, and increase the level of oxygen in your blood.
How to breathe?
– Take a deep breath through your nose, learn to breathe not only with your lungs, but also with your belly.
– Exhale slowly through your nose, gradually pulling your belly inward.
– During inhalation and exhalation observe your breathing, try not to hurry, the slower this exercise is performed, the better.
You can make it more difficult: after making a slow exhalation and controlling the retracted abdomen, hold your breath for a few seconds, then slowly inhale and relax your abdomen. Repeat this exercise several times a day, and the result will not wait long.
This is also the basis of the basics for harmonious development of the human body, both physical and mental. By eating chemically prepared or processed foods (this is about 70% of the foods you see in stores), you are eating harmful substances and a huge amount of sugar. And this with 100% probability disturbs the body and provokes the development of various diseases in it.
Unfortunately, neither breathing practices, nor physical activity, nor meditation will not help your health if you do not start taking your diet seriously.
What you need to do?
– Increase the amount of live and natural foods in your diet: vegetables, fruits, berries, seeds, nuts, honey, cold-pressed olive or flaxseed oil, clean water.
– Eat less chemically prepared or processed foods: refined oil, cakes and pastries, sweet sodas, sauces, canned foods, sugar, tea and coffee, dairy products, fast food, alcohol and tobacco.
– Try to chew your food long and thoroughly, there is no need to rush.
– Eat not on a schedule, but when you feel hungry.
– Do not overeat and choose your food carefully.
Physical activity
To keep yourself in tone, you need discipline and motivation. And, of course, interesting exercises, so that you do not get bored doing the same thing. Yoga in this regard is universal and provides a whole arsenal of asanas.
Complex of exercises
Bend to straight legs in a sitting position. In the book “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” this pose is noted as one of the best. The practitioner is freed from diseases and gains longevity. Asana stretches the muscles of the legs and back, stretches the spine, improves the work of the abdominal organs. Positive effect affects the work of the sexual organs.
Sit so that the legs were straightened, knees tucked, feet pointed toward yourself. Slowly tilt the body forward, trying to bring the abdomen close to the hips, and the fingers of the hands around the feet. Try to emphasize the exhalation, relax your body with each exhalation, and put your head down on your feet.
If you can’t do it, it’s okay, there’s another great way – bend your legs at the knees, put your hands around your feet and slowly tilt your body forward, lowering your belly onto your thighs. While in this position, try to slowly straighten your legs, either together or alternately. Emphasize exhalation and relaxation of the body.
Butterfly. One of the first and oldest yoga poses. It improves the opening of the hip joints and their mobility, improves blood circulation in the pelvis, as well as the work of the abdominal organs.
Sit down, bend your legs at the knees, connect the feet with each other, heels pressed to the maximum possible distance to the pelvis, try to keep your back straight, hands around the feet, and knees short movements down. Try to emphasize the exhalation and relax the whole body. Additionally, you can press your palms lightly on your thighs, lowering them down, as well as tilt the body forward, stretching your arms.
Camel pose. Very useful for improving the mobility of the spine, working through the thoracic region, the area of the shoulder blades. Strengthens the muscles of the arms and body, positively affects the work of internal organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavity, improves the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems, strengthens immunity.
Kneel on your knees, feet at the width of the pelvis, the backs of the feet pressed to the floor, slowly lower the left palm to the left heel, make a bend in the lumbar and thoracic region, lower the right palm to the right heel, lift the ribs up, shoulders down, shoulder blades together, tilt the head back, relaxing the neck and the whole body, take a deep breath and calm exhalation.
After 10 seconds, return to the starting position. If discomfort is felt during the flexion – you can simplify and lean your palms against your lower back.
Pose of intense stretching with legs wide apart. Excellent stretches the back and inner surfaces of the legs, strengthens hamstrings and groin ligaments, improves the flexibility of the spine, mobility of the pelvis and shoulders, as well as the work of internal organs.
From a standing position, spread your legs apart, to the maximum comfortable distance, alternately tense and relax the muscles of the legs, pull up the knees and on exhalation tilt the flat back down, hands can be joined behind the back, straighten and lift up, continuing to lower the body, the top of the head reach for the floor.
If the asana is difficult to perform, you can put your hands around your shins. Hold in this position for 10 seconds, inhale and exhale a few times, feel the tension in the muscles and slowly, raising the body, return to the starting position.
Meditation helps to free the mind from unnecessary thoughts and emotions, find calmness, relieve muscle tension, restore mental and physical health.
Meditation has a positive effect on the internal processes of the body:
- relieves mental and physical tension, reduces stress;
- improves metabolism and brain activity;
- strengthens immunity;
- accelerates energy recovery;
- slows down the aging of the body.
Sit comfortably, so that your body is relaxed. Close your eyes, smile, take a deep breath and slowly exhale, relaxing every cell of your body. Direct all your attention inside your body, controlling your breathing and feeling your pulse.
Visualize yourself in the future, how you achieve your desired goals, imagine that it has already happened and you feel warmth and sincere joy from it. Continue to follow your thoughts, pictures and images, keep the feeling of joy, feel your heartbeat and merge with your surroundings, feeling one with all that surrounds you.
Before you leave the state of meditation, mentally thank the universe for everything that surrounds you and happens to you.