Beginners in shavasana: 15 awkward questions about yoga and their answers

It’s not always easy and straightforward at your first yoga class. The confused look, the stupor and embarrassment. Do you recognize yourself? Then we have good news. We’ve answered 15 questions you’ve been embarrassed to ask your trainer.

What’s yoga good for?

Yoga is a great way to distract yourself from problems and get rid of unnecessary thoughts. It helps to know yourself both externally and internally. Already at the first classes you will make a big step towards mastering your body and controlling your breathing. In addition, like all physical exercises, yoga allows you to keep your muscles toned.

What are asanas?

In primary sources, asana refers to a comfortable and pleasant body position, but to say that this is really the case is to lie. For a yoga beginner, bending and flexing is pretty uncomfortable. However, it is believed that an asana will really become comfortable when your body is completely relaxed and your mind is focused on the infinite. In confidence, this is not always possible even for the most experienced yogis.

Lifehack: the impression that your first yoga class will make on you is also important. The atmosphere and general mood during a yoga session will determine whether you continue on this path or not. This summer, anyone can attend a rooftop yoga practice from Roxy absolutely free of charge. Registration opens Thursdays at 5pm – look for the link here. Classes take place every Monday, starting at 20:00 on the observation deck of the main entrance of Gorky Park.

What about namaste?

Namaste is a gesture that signifies that there is a divine source in every human being, and it is located in the heart chakra. To perform namaste correctly, put your palms together at chest level, lower your eyes and tilt your head forward. It is not necessary to say “namaste” during this action. It is recommended to start and end a yoga class with this gesture.

Is it possible to practice without an instructor?

Yes. In a global sense, yoga is a way of life. It involves rethinking your principles and habits. Perceiving yoga as a set of asanas, you reduce its importance. Of course, you can perform exercises on video lessons, but be prepared for difficulties. First, you need to choose the necessary equipment yourself (mat, belt, block, etc.), and secondly, you need to follow the exercise very carefully, preferably in front of a mirror, because there is no instructor around to help you avoid injuries.

When to meditate?

Meditative practice is present in many directions of yoga. You will be surprised, but you can meditate even when you wash dishes or take a shower. Monotonous work is great for “airing out” the mind. Many people like to practice meditation before and after yoga.

What to do if it doesn’t work?

Don’t despair. Yoga takes years of practice, and failures are steps to success. Try to catch the rhythm of your breathing and do the exercises in time with it. Take your time, stay in one asana longer, and if it is very difficult, make it easier. Perhaps when you turn your heel or knee a couple of centimeters to the right or left, you will feel much easier. Feeling your body is exactly what yoga requires of you.

Do I have to do yoga to music?

Music is a matter of taste, but it has a certain effect on our body. For example, it’s hard to think about negative things when there’s an uplifting, pleasant tune playing around you. We recommend you to try practicing with and without music, only then you will understand what suits you.

What is the best music to practice yoga to?

Here again, everything is individual and depends on your goals. For example, it is better not to use heavy rock and energetic music for fitness, because yoga is not about speed. In order to cheer up, you can choose classical music, art rock or alternative, electronic music without drums is good for meditation, ethnic music and mantras – for static asanas, sounds of nature – for relaxation.

Does yoga require you to be flexible?

More likely no than yes. Each asana has several variations that depend on your level of fitness. You can start with the easiest step and gradually increase the load.

When I fall asleep at the end of a workout, is that shavasana?

Not exactly. Shavasana is more than sleeping on the floor. More specifically, it is a state between sleep and wakefulness. The purpose of shavasana is to relax and let go of feelings of fatigue and anxiety. For this asana it is important to have the right body position: arms along the body, palms towards the ceiling, heels 5 cm apart, face looking straight at the ceiling. But it is more important that you are comfortable. So if you have done everything according to the instructions, but feel discomfort, change the position and bring the asana to perfection.

When is it better to practice – in the morning or in the evening?

In yoga there is no time that is perfect for everyone. Choose those hours when nothing bothers you. It is better if you do not feel sleepy and tired. It is important not to forget about the dietary regimen before and after practicing. Choosing a morning practice, try to eat breakfast not very dense. You should not eat an hour and a half before the class and an hour after.

Do athletes do yoga too?

Yes, many athletes use yoga as a workout. Among them are Mark Henderson, the gold medalist in complex swimming at the Atlanta Games, gymnast Lilia Podkopaeva and even the founder of Bikram Yoga, Bikram Choudhury, who is an Olympic champion in weightlifting.

What kind of clothes do you need?

The kind you feel comfortable in. It is better to go for tight-fitting uniforms, as they are easy to stretch in and won’t get tangled. Try to avoid fasteners, Velcro – they can press and rub. Shoes for the exercises are not necessary. A pair of socks or slippers will be enough to get to the mat and back.

Do I need to buy my own mat? Is it hygienic to exercise on a public mat?

It is not necessary to buy your own mat if you are practicing in a studio. If you care about hygiene, you can buy a special disinfectant spray that is suitable for cleaning all surfaces. Sometimes the studios themselves offer you to use one of these. However, if you do decide to buy your own equipment, remember that fitness and yoga mats are different. Make sure you buy exactly the right one for you.

Where to learn yoga if you want to know it from the inside out?

The best places to practice yoga are India, Bali and Koh Samui in Thailand. There you can find very atmospheric yoga studios located in the mountains or on the ocean.

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