How to love stretching if stretching hurts. 6 tips from an Olympic champion

Everyone who has been to a stretching class at least once has experienced muscle discomfort. Some beginners who come to training for the first time and encounter pain are not ready to endure it and put stretching classes on the back burner. Or they stop going to it altogether – why stretch if it hurts?

Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics

Tells how not to be afraid of pain during stretching.

Set a clear goal

All human achievement comes through overcoming. Life obstacles, physical ailments, psychological factors and brain deceptions – everything can be dealt with if there is a goal. In our case, it is to sit on the twine.

Try to understand and answer yourself the question, why do you need it? Once you get an honest answer and realize that there is a huge desire and dream, I assure you, the physical pain will be much less at the stretch. Try it out!!!

Choose the right clothes

Warmth always makes ligaments and muscles softer. Experienced athletes warm up in the right clothes – legs should be covered. The uniform holds the heat generated from warming up before stretching. This simple method will help relieve pain and discomfort.

Practice with a trainer or in a group

Working with an experienced professional is also one way to accept pain during exercise. A professional will know exactly how to make your workout easier.

Stretching work in a group is a psychological factor that will also distract you from the discomfort by shifting your attention to the achievers next to you. If they can do it, so can you.

Properly recover

After training it is good to go to the bath, sauna or hammam. If there is no such opportunity, a bath with sea salt and baking soda is a good idea. Soda should be steamed, not just dissolved in the bath. Such baths will relieve pain, and the next day stretching will be much easier. There will be no rejection of the stretch.

About massage, perhaps, everyone knows, so I will not dwell on it. I will just remind you that it perfectly relaxes the muscles.

Exercise regularly

To reduce the painful sensations during stretching, remember to stretch every day. Any prolonged skipping makes them stronger. More practice means less pain.

Track your progress

Perhaps the most important thing is visible results. Any “progression to the floor” makes the pain less and less visible to your brain. It’s already caught up in this gamble, and it’s wondering what’s next. Because the goal is close, the pain fades into the background, which means you’ve done it – another dream achieved.

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