How to normalize hormonal balance with yoga? 8 asanas for women’s health

Anastasia Ozhgikhina

Dean of the Faculty of Sports Industry at Synergy University, international hatha yoga instructor

“Hormonal imbalance occurs when there is too much or too little of a certain hormone in the body. There are many methods to balance hormones, both medically and through lifestyle changes. Yoga is one such method.”

Regular yoga practice helps to ensure that the endocrine system is working efficiently. This article will talk specifically about the practice, which will allow women to regulate menstrual irregularities, excess weight gain, thyroid imbalances, and prevent or reduce the side effects of menopause.

The benefits of yoga for the hormonal system

The simplest effect of yoga is stress relief. And that alone is already a big step towards a balanced endocrine system. Yoga, especially when combined with meditation, has been shown to significantly reduce stress, which can help keep hormones balanced.

Regular yoga practice can strengthen the body and curb the gain of extra pounds. Asanas can be used to target specific parts of the body, including internal organs in order to get the endocrine system working properly.

For many women, it is a great advantage that yoga exercises are available regardless of their condition, tone and build. It is a more accessible form of exercise than running or lifting weights.

Yoga exercises for the hormonal system

Cow Cat – Marjariasana

Contraindications: wrist and spine injuries.

Benefits of the exercise: strengthens the back and abdominal muscles, provides massage of the abdominal and pelvic areas, helps relieve pain during menstrual cramps, increases flexibility of the spine, improves blood circulation of the spine, trains the pelvic floor muscles.

How to perform:

  • get on all fours, hands under the shoulders, palms tightly pressed to the mat, fingers wide apart, middle finger of the hand looking clearly forward, knees at pelvic width;
  • inhale, lowering the abdomen to the floor and gently arching the back, at the same time raising the tailbone and chin to the ceiling (pull the nose up without tilting the head);
  • exhale, gently rounding the spine and pulling the chin to the chest, push off with the palms of your hands and pull the thoracic spine upwards, direct your gaze towards the navel.

Camel pose – ushtrasana

Contraindications: headaches, hypertension, heart problems, severe spinal injuries, thyroid disorders (hyperfunction).

Benefits of the exercise: improves the thyroid gland and sex glands, corrects posture, increases lung capacity, improves blood circulation throughout the body, strengthens the muscles of the hips, shoulders, back, abs, increases flexibility and mobility of the spine.

How to perform:

  • kneel on the floor, knees slightly apart, toes pointing back, arms at your sides;
  • exhale, place your palms on your buttocks, push your hips forward and bend your back, spread your chest and expand your chest; engage your hips and buttocks. You can stay in this position for 30 seconds, breathing evenly and calmly;
  • you can go deeper – push your shoulders back and pull your hands to your feet, putting your hands on your heels, buttocks squeezed, tailbone retracted, look up, hold this position for 30 seconds;
  • on exhalation raise the torso due to the impulse of the hips and chest.

Pyramid pose – parshvottanasana

Contraindications: hamstring strain, heart disease, hypertension.

Benefits of the exercise: stimulates and tones the kidneys and spleen, stretches the knee tendons, stretches the spine and chest, strengthens the leg muscles, makes the hip joint more mobile.

How to perform:

  • Stand up straight and interlock the fingers of your hands, point them downward, then turn your wrists and point your fingers toward the ceiling. If it is difficult to join your palms, bend your arms and place your palm on the opposite elbow (make an elbow lock);
  • move your palms to the area between your shoulder blades, press your palms against each other;
  • take a big step with your right foot backwards, about 1.2 meters, toes of the right foot pointing forward (angle 75-80 degrees), find a comfortable distance, distribute your weight evenly between the feet; check that the body is pointing towards the front foot;
  • on the inhale, shift your weight to the heel of your left foot, squeeze your left knee and lift your gaze to the ceiling, gently tilting your head and chest back, avoiding a crease in your neck; control your arms, keeping them down;
  • as you inhale, extend your spine and lean forward, keeping your left leg straight; place your chin on your knee and hold the position for 20-30 seconds, then rise with an inhalation. If it is still difficult to go into a deep incline, you can release your hands and place them on both sides of the left leg or on the shin, while keeping the spine and neck extended.
  • Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Cobra pose – bhujangasana

Contraindications: pregnancy, peptic ulcer, spinal hernia, hyperthyroidism, pinched intervertebral discs.

Benefits of the exercise: normalizes kidney function, helps to activate the work of internal secretion glands, increases the volume of the lungs, stimulates the activity of thyroid and parathyroid glands, strengthens abdominal muscles, activates the gastrointestinal tract.

How to perform:

  • Lie face down on the mat, stretch your entire body and feet, tense the muscles of the thighs and buttocks;
  • place your palms under your shoulders, fingers pointing forward;
  • with an inhalation, pushing off the floor, gently lift the body upwards, stretching the head and neck, at the same time pull the shoulders backwards and downwards, pull the mat towards you, trying to push the heart area upwards, the pubic bone is on the mat;
  • stay in asana for five breathing cycles and gently lower down.


Contraindications: with caution in case of knee and hip injuries.

Benefits of the exercise: relieves menstrual pain, normalizes the menstrual cycle, improves the reproductive system and strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, opens the hip joints.

How to perform:

  • place your feet at the width of the mat, turning your feet at a 45-degree angle;
  • lower your pelvis down, rest your elbows on your thighs and fold your palms in front of your chest; push your thighs apart with your elbows; stretch your spine and neck; make sure not to fall on the outer edges of your feet – press the inner edges of your feet to the floor;
  • if it is hard to hold the position, you can put some yoga bricks or a stack of books under the pelvis;
  • hold the position for 30-60 seconds, breathing evenly and calmly;
  • then lower your arms and sit on the floor.

Butterfly pose – baddha konasana

Contraindications: with caution in case of knee and hip injuries.

Benefits of the exercise: reduces pain during menstruation, opens the hip joints; strengthens the genitourinary system; has a tonic effect on the kidneys.

How to perform:

  • sit on the floor with a straight back and straight legs; bend the knees, bring the feet together; make a hand grip on the feet;
  • move your hips up and down with a small amplitude for 30 seconds;
  • with an exhalation, move your knees apart, bending with a straight back and pointing your belly towards your feet; help yourself with your elbows to lower your hips down; aim to put your knees on the floor;
  • hold in the lower position for five breathing cycles;
  • on the inhale, come back up.

Half bridge – setu badhasana

Contraindications: pregnancy, high blood pressure, spine and knee injuries, critical days.

Benefits of the exercise: strengthens the lower back, abdominal muscles, buttocks, pelvic floor muscles, improves blood circulation throughout the body.

How to perform:

  • lie on the floor, place your hands along the body with palms down; bend your legs and place your feet as wide as possible close to the buttocks, toes pointing straight ahead;
  • press your feet and palms tightly to the mat, exhale, push your feet off the mat, lift your body and pelvis as high as possible, knees pointing forward, not apart, bend in the thoracic region and direct the chest upwards, bring your shoulder blades closer together, actively push your shoulders and feet off the mat, chin upwards, make sure your head is centered, do not twist it;
  • hold the pose for 8-10 breathing cycles, breathe evenly and calmly, then gently return your back to the mat.

Fish pose – matsyasana

Contraindications: injuries of the spine, cervical, shoulder and thoracic departments, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, severe headache.

Benefits of the exercise: opening the chest, improving blood circulation in the spine, larynx, prevention of respiratory diseases, stimulation of the thyroid gland.

How to perform:

  • lie on your back, legs together, bend your arms at the elbows and forearms on the floor, next to the body;
  • with an inhalation raise the body, resting the elbows on the floor and directing the chest upwards; place the top of the head on the floor; bring the shoulder blades inwards, move the elbows closer together and push the chest upwards, breathe deeply;
  • hold the position for five breathing cycles, then lift your head and lower to the floor.

Yoga asanas for the hormonal system for beginners

For those who are just beginning to master yoga, you can master the complex Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) – it is a cyclic complex of 10-12 asanas. There are different variants of its performance – from simple to more complicated. During the complex there is synchronization of movements and breathing. It is better to practice it in the morning, immediately after waking up. You can do a different number of cycles. If there are time constraints – you can perform the complex instead of charging and do nothing else. You will already feel a rush of vigor and tone in the whole body.

Benefits: the complex develops flexibility – increases the mobility of the spine throughout its length, opens the chest, opens the shoulders, hip joints, strengthens the muscles of the legs, arms, abs, increases endurance – trains the cardio system, concentration on breathing practices mindfulness.

Contraindications: problems with the spine (especially the lumbar area) and wrists. In this case it is worth performing under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

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