Jennifer Aniston 51. What’s the secret to the ageless actress?

Jennifer Aniston 51. What’s the secret to the ageless actress?

Alexandra Nekhotina

Alexandra Nehotina

How does Jennifer Aniston look like now?

Yoga, lemon and other lifehacks from the very Rachel from Friends.

Today, February 11, Jennifer Aniston celebrates her birthday. The actress is known to many for her role as Rachel in the TV series “Friends”. Since the filming of the first series, she has not changed much, especially attractive looks her body. Jennifer is diligently engaged in sports and actively promotes a healthy lifestyle in various interviews. The benefit of this is clearly visible on a personal example, because the actress does not look 51 years old. We tell you what is the peculiarity of Jennifer Aniston’s training and how she watches her diet.

What is the secret of Jennifer Aniston’s body?

It’s no secret that Jen is in great physical shape. She spends a lot of time in the gym to maintain it. Aniston works out five to six times a week and never skips workouts. On trips is limited to stretching, sometimes taking with her small dumbbells, which are convenient to use at any time: while talking on the phone or watching TV. The actress literally lives sports. She can do exercises right before going to bed near the bed. So she does a little workout on her legs to keep them beautiful.

The actress has regular workouts every day after breakfast. She works out with a trainer who has to change and complicate the exercise program often. In one of her interviews, the actress confesses:

Half an hour we devote to spin yoga, another 40 minutes – regular yoga. This is quite an intense workout. After that, I go to the gym, where I work out on weight machines, treadmill, bicycle or elliptical trainer. I change them all the time so my body doesn’t have time to get used to them.

Aniston’s experiments in sports

Since 2017, Jennifer began to engage in boxing. Such training combines the work of the body and brain, and it’s also a great way to throw out aggression. Now one of the leading California trainers Leyon Azubuike works with her. Jen herself really enjoys this kind of workload:

You mentally release all the crap your eyes and ears take in every day. There’s also room for little fantasies where you visualize a specific person you’re bashing.

In interviews, the actress often talks about the symbiosis between physical and spiritual activities, which is evident in her workouts. She practices “budokon” – it is an amalgamation of elements of martial arts and yoga. Such a method, despite the fact that it is difficult, yet at one time conquered Hollywood that created a visible result after a few training weeks.

Features of nutrition actress

Jennifer Aniston can not be called a fan of countless diets. She tries to eat right, but avoiding torture over the body. In the morning, instead of coffee, she drinks a glass of water with lemon, and most of her diet consists of vegetables. Sometimes, of course, she allows herself to eat sweets, and coffee is also present in her daily diet. However, all the extra calories are immediately burned in training.

Dinner actress consists of salads. Especially well remembered by her colleagues on the TV series “Friends”. Courteney Cox recalls:

We had a salad for 10 years that Jen made. It was a cobb salad with beans and some other condiments, but you have to give her credit, because it was a great salad, which did not bore us for 10 years.

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