Pancake Day is a holiday familiar, probably, to all inhabitants of the country. The celebration lasts for a whole week, and it is hard not to notice it. Every year there are bright and noisy festivities, and pancakes are spread by the hundreds. What are the traditions of the holiday? On what dates does it fall in 2024? How to celebrate the holiday correctly? There are many questions, we will try to give answers to all of them.
When is Shrovetide in 2024?
In 2024, Shrovetide week will last from March 11 to March 17.
However, these are not fixed dates. The holiday takes place a week before Lent, 56 days before Easter, which this year falls on May 5.
Starting from Monday and until Wednesday (March 13) will be held the so-called Narrow Pancake Week, when the celebrations are not large, and after that, from Thursday to Sunday, will be celebrated Wide Pancake Week.
On the last day of the holiday, March 17, folk festivities have the largest character. Orthodox believers also celebrate Forgiveness Sunday, and from Monday, March 18, Lent will begin.
History of the holiday
In ancient times, the holiday was held on fixed dates, March 21-28, that is, it began on the day of the solstice and lasted a week. Our ancestors saw off winter and welcomed spring. So it was before the adoption of Christianity in Russia.
Pancake Day has its origins in the eastern Slavs, who were pagans and on the day of the spring solstice performed a number of rituals to attract a good harvest, warm weather and farewell to winter. All week long there were festivities, people dressed up, danced and sang. Popular were sledding in sleds and ice slides, fist fights, eating pancakes, climbing a pole for presents and burning an effigy.
After the adoption of Christianity, the celebration began to take place before the Great Lent, in which it is necessary to enter with a clean soul and body. Therefore, some traditions changed or disappeared altogether, and some, on the contrary, appeared. For example, Orthodox people do not eat meat during Pancake Day, starting the preparation for Lent, and fist fights are not held now.
Traditions and customs of Pancake Day
Pancake Day used to be celebrated for seven days, each of which included certain traditions and even had its own name. Let’s tell you more about each of them.
- Meeting (March 11). On Monday in the villages finished making snow slides and molding structures out of snow. People began to prepare for the holiday: make a scarecrow, bake pancakes. In ancient times, the first pancake was always given to the needy, birds or stray animals. Also on this day matchmakers went to visit each other.
- Zaigryshi (March 12). According to customs, on Tuesday there were brides’ parties. Girls socialized with guys, and parents agreed on their marriage. If everything went well, the wedding was scheduled for Red Mountain. In 2024 it will be held on May 12.
- Tidbits (March 13). Wednesday is the last day of Shrovetide. Sons-in-law went to visit their mothers-in-law, who, in turn, had to hospitably receive them and set a large table. Obligatory with pancakes.
- Razgulyai (March 14). Thursday is the first day of Shrovetide, which means the beginning of the big festivities. According to the old belief, one should not stay at home, it was believed that it would bring bad luck. People participated in jumping over the fire, in sleigh rides, and simply in entertainment.
- Mother-in-law vespers (March 15). On Friday mothers-in-law and their friends paid a return visit to their sons-in-law. Housekeepers also had to bake pancakes and prepare a lot of treats.
- Sister-in-law’s Sitting (March 16). On Saturday brides called their friends, relatives of the groom. It was especially important to invite the sister of the future spouse (sister-in-law) and give her a gift.
- Goodbye Sunday (March 17). On the last day of Maslenitsa people asked forgiveness for what they said or did wrong. This tradition has been preserved to this day. Sunday was also the last day to eat non-perishable foods. The leftovers were eaten, given to the poor or burned, as it was considered bad luck to let the food spoil. In the afternoon, people went to the baths, and in the evening came to the square to see off winter and welcome spring – that is, to watch the burning of an effigy of Pancake Day, made at the beginning of the week.
How do they celebrate Shrovetide now?
As we said earlier, some traditions and entertainments have outlived themselves over time. However, some are still with us and continue to please during the celebration of Shrovetide. Of course, now they are of a completely different character, but without them the holiday would not be as we know it.
Here’s what you can and even should do on Shrovetide these days.
- Climb a pole. The spectacularity of such a competition is not even worth discussing. A high wooden pole with prizes on top, to conquer it is not so easy, and all the participants of the festivities watch it. In ancient times it was also a spiritual ascent from earth to heaven. The one who managed to climb, received a material gift from the deity.
- Dress up in traditional costumes. Many people dress up for the festivities, the choice of clothes is determined by the fact that the holiday has very deep roots, and traditional Russian outfits are more suitable than ever.
- Burn the effigy. This tradition originates, like the holiday itself, in paganism. In the early days, it was made of straw and old clothes, driven on a sleigh, and then set on the square. The scarecrow, whose name was Maslenitsa, was burned to finally say goodbye to winter, meet spring and attract the harvest. Now this ritual has survived, it no longer carries the same meaning, but the burning of the effigy is one of the most vivid symbols of Pancake Day.
- Bake pancakes. Shrovetide without this delicacy is simply impossible to imagine. There are a huge number of recipes for dough and fillings, and many probably have the most favorite. However, some are afraid to eat pancakes because of their effect on the figure. But do not worry! Below we will tell you how to eat them correctly and not lose shape.
How to make pancakes healthier?
Cook, Shopping Live expert
“Remember that there are also healthy variations of this dish.”
It is not to say that pancakes are incredibly harmful to the figure. It’s not specific foods or dishes that affect changes in the body, but their caloric content and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. You can gain weight, even eating buckwheat and boiled chicken, if you do not watch the portion size and variety of food. Everything needs a measure – a few tasty pancakes for breakfast two or three times a month will not spoil the form and can charge you with energy and good mood for the day.
Diemain “harm” of pancakes lies in the large amount of carbohydrates, which can be compensated by removing a snack with something sweet in the middle of the day and adding to the pancakes any filling with a high protein content. Another “sin” that pancakes are accused of is their fat content. This problem is also easily solved – try not frying them in plenty of oil, and bake them by lightly greasing the pan with an alternative oil, such as avocado or coconut.
You can also change the composition of the batter itself. First of all, you should try pancakes made of oat or buckwheat flour – oats and buckwheat contain less starch and more coarse fiber, which has a positive effect on digestion. In addition, these cereals have a richer composition of nutrients that our body needs. It is not necessary to buy PP-flour – you can easily make it yourself by grinding the cereal with a blender.
Another delicious and healthy option – pancakes with the addition of broccoli or zucchini. Vegetables can be boiled and chopped into a homogeneous mass, making the basis of the batter. If you do not want to complicate cooking, wrap these products in a pancake as a filling or put them side by side on a plate – fiber will bring a sense of satiety and allow you not to overdo the carbohydrate dish.
Three perfect and nutritious toppings for pancakes are natural yogurt without additives, red caviar and a slice of red lightly salted fish. Be sure to serve them with slices of fresh cucumber – so the flavors will open up even brighter, and the body will get fiber.
When you really want sweet pancakes, you can pour them with regular condensed milk – if you do not try to eat the whole jar of topping at once, the figure will not suffer. But it’s even better to mix one spoonful of condensed milk with three spoons of yogurt. This will significantly reduce the caloric content of the meal and make it more balanced. You can also use low-fat sour cream or a moderate amount of honey. Excellent complements pancakes and homemade jam from frozen strawberries or other berries.
How to climb the pole on Shrovetide?
We have already told about Shrovetide traditions. Let’s dwell more on climbing the pole. Even for entertainment on holidays requires good physical preparation, without it, rest and fun can turn out unpleasant consequences in the form of injuries and bruises. But if you approach training competently and keep your focus on the goal, success is inevitable.
leader of the sports movement “Street Athletics”
“There are a lot of videos on the Net with conquering the pole at the Shrovetide festivities. Surprisingly, but this fun is amenable not only to men and children, but also to women and even the elderly. Reasonable questions arise. How do they do it? What physical qualities should be possessed? And is it possible to prepare for climbing a pole? Spoiler: you can.”
First, let’s analyze the styles of pole climbing, the most common one is “caterpillar”. Its peculiarity is that a person wraps his legs and arms around the tree trunk at the same time. Crossing his legs, he keeps himself on the log, and with his hands pulls his body up, then brings his legs closer to his hands and so gradually rises to the top. From the outside it looks like the movement of a caterpillar.
To master this style you need to strengthen several muscle groups. To climb up – arms: triceps, biceps, shoulders, trapezius and back muscles. It is important to perform exercises in a statodynamic form, so that the necessary muscle fibers are formed, capable of performing the necessary load and holding the person embracing the pole.
Statodynamic exercises are exercises in which the muscles are constantly tense and the amplitude is reduced.
Flexibility in the hip joint is required to hold onto the pole, with the ability to grip the pole with the legs, cross them and press tightly against the surface. If you are overweight and have a bulging belly, it will be difficult to accomplish this task, but possible if you start preparing in advance.
It’s best to do at least four workouts a week, dividing the exercises by muscle group. For example, Monday and Thursday should be arm and back days:
- negative pull-ups on the bar – better on the graviton or with the help of rubber bands, keeping as long as possible lowering to the lowest point;
- lifting dumbbells through the sides, holding 3-5 seconds at the highest point;
- dumbbell or barbell standing on the biceps;
- reverse bench push-ups or push-ups with a narrow arm position.
Tuesday and Friday – leg and chest workouts, all exercises should be performed with light weights. The key task is to hold the maximum amplitude while maintaining the technique of the exercise, lingering for 3-5 seconds at the extremes.
- Deep squats with a barbell or dumbbells;
- lunges forward, backward and sideways (alternating);
- push-ups on the bars or from the floor and dumbbells lying down;
- plank on straight arms or on elbows.
If you can pull up 8-10 times on the bar and you are not overweight, with a competent approach in 3-4 weeks of regular training you can prepare for lifting on the pole.
There are also a few practical recommendations that will help you climb:
- Minimize clothing at key points of contact with the pole. Feet and hands should be free of fabric because it slips.
- A sharp start. The first impulse you give when pushing off the ground is important. It is better to initially lock onto the pole as high as possible and continue the action using the energy from that impulse.
- Keep your eyes only on the target. It is not necessary to check how far you are from the ground, it is better to focus on the goal, which will give you an additional incentive and strength to achieve the result.
What can and cannot be done on Pancake Day?
Pancake Day is a very heartfelt, warm and, most importantly, “delicious” holiday. At this time it is customary to bake pancakes, go to guests or host them. A great excuse to gather in the company of friends or relatives and spend time together.
Large-scale work on the house during the Wide Maslenitsa is better to postpone for later. From Thursday to Sunday it is worth devoting time only to cooking and small affairs.
Also during this period, those who are going to fast should limit the consumption of meat. And on Sunday of Shrovetide week it is better to give up animal protein altogether.
And, of course, do not swear and get angry. The holiday itself says that the difficult time of winter is leaving and the long-awaited spring is coming. So it is better to spend this time on a positive note, participate in folk festivals and eat delicious pancakes.
Now you know everything about Pancake Day traditions and how to celebrate it with maximum benefit and fun. Have a good festivities, pleasant rest and appetizing treats!