What are the dangers of wearing skinny jeans? A doctor told me.

Irina Jusup

MD, pediatrician, nutritionist, co-founder of UniProf Academy of Physicians

What can be dangerous narrow jeans?

Narrow jeans have become an essential item in the closet of men and women of different ages and professions. However, it is such fashionable pants can cause serious harm to health. Already appeared the term “tight pants syndrome” – so called problems that arise because of this piece of clothing. What are the dangers of tight jeans?

Disturb digestion

Tight pants with a high waistband can cause malfunctions in the digestive system. Increased pressure on the stomach, especially when sitting, leads to the fact that acid from the stomach rises into the esophagus and provokes heartburn.

Because of excessive pressure suffers intestines, impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs, reducing their protective functions. Too tight jeans can provoke the development of cystitis.

Interfere with the circulation of lymph and blood

Tight clothing interferes with the surface microcirculation of lymph. Tight jeans can bind the hip joints so much that their mobility is impaired. Constant wearing of such clothes can lead to stretching of the joint capsule. This also increases the load on the spine, resulting in the development of lumbosacral osteochondrosis.

Tight jeans overstretch not only the joints, but also the nerve endings and vessels. There may be a burning sensation and numbness of the extremities, with time varicosis develops.

About whether you can do sports with varicose veins, told in our article.

Create a “greenhouse effect”

Women should refuse tight pants in the summer. When wearing tight jeans in the heat creates a “greenhouse effect”, which increases the multiplication of fungal organisms, can appear chafing.

Badly affect the reproductive system in men

Narrow jeans are dangerous not only for women, but also for men. Their constant wearing negatively affects the state of the reproductive system. As a number of studies show, if a man constantly wears tight jeans, the quality of biological material decreases, problems with potency may begin.

In addition, due to the tight fit and friction of the fabric, the risk of urinary tract infections increases.

About how to dress in the summer, so that it was not hot, told in the material.

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