What is absolutely not to be done in stretching workouts? Choreographer answers

Yana Radko

master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, founder of Premium Pole dance studios

What mistakes are often made when stretching?

It is difficult to say that some exercises in stretching are more effective than others. In the training plan can be absolutely any movement, but the coach, as a rule, analyzes the client and adjusts an individual complex for him.

Stretching with jerks

There are quite a lot of disputes on this issue. But still stretching with small jerks is acceptable only for professional athletes who know their body and want to warm up the muscles in the shortest possible time. I advise everyone else to forget about this method and use only soft, static stretching.

With jerks, already tense muscles and ligaments are subjected to even more tension. At some point you can easily get a tear or, even worse, a rupture of a ligament. After such injuries, recovery takes one or two months. You must agree that it is not worth it.

Yana Radko

Yana Radko

Hold your breath

It seems that already in the very word “stretching” implies relaxation of muscles and restoration of the nervous system. But many people forget about it because of unnecessary tension. To get a good result, you need to learn how to breathe properly during training and not to hold air in the lungs.

Breathing should be measured, and the exhalation should always be on the strongest action. That is, if we do a leg swing, the exhalation is at the moment when the leg is at the highest point.

When you breathe properly, your heart produces oxygenated blood, which in turn removes lactic acid from your muscles. They relax completely, allowing you to stretch more easily, increasing the load each time and without fear of injury.

Stretch on one side only

Many people come to stretching for a certain result. The most common thing I hear is “I want to do a twine.” This is a wonderful wish, but many people forget that everyone’s stretching process is different. Some people get into the twine in a month, and some – in a year. And in both cases it is normal.

The main mistake of those who set a goal to sit on the twine in the shortest possible time, is stretching only on one side. The fact is that in all people the muscles of one leg stretch better than the other. You need to be sure to stretch both sides, even though the “bad” leg is uncomfortable to stretch. Any misalignments affect back health, pelvic health, and muscle quality.

Not allowing yourself to rest

In the pursuit of results, many people do not give themselves time to recover, and after all, this is as important a process as the training itself.

A large number of sessions threatens overtraining – increased cortisol levels, swelling, exhaustion of the body and nervous system, chronic fatigue, frequent colds. In such a state, the body is simply unable to produce good results.

Exercise at your own pleasure 2-3 times a week, and you will come to a healthy body and the desired result without injuries and overstrain.

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