Why do your eyes water in the cold? An ophthalmologist named 5 reasons

Valeria Smirnova

ophthalmologist of the Eye Microsurgery Center “I See”

Weather conditions cannot impair a person’s vision, but they can cause discomfort. First of all, it is tearing, which occurs in windy weather and in the cold. If the symptom is repeated during the winter period, it can be a signal of eye diseases.

What can be caused by this pathology?

  • Age-related functional changes;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • cold conjunctivitis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • corneal sensitivity and inflammation.

Tear production in the wind, as well as in cold weather, is a consequence of the narrowing of the tear ducts as a protective reaction of the body. If it becomes intense, and tears irritate the mucosa of the eye and cause problems, the doctor may prescribe a procedure of lacrimal lavage.

However, this measure will only help to eliminate the symptoms, because the cause of tear production in the cold season is purely physiological.

In old age, the symptom occurs against the background of dysfunction of meibomian glands, which produce one of the components of the tear film and are located on the edges of the eyelids.

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Blockage of these glands can also occur, leading to the development of dry eye syndrome. Unfortunately, these are natural causes accompanying the aging of the body, and it is impossible to correct them, and it is pointless.

Cold conjunctivitis is a seasonal type of allergy, when cold and frost provoke a sharp release of histamine, which causes allergy symptoms: runny nose, lacrimation, swelling of mucous membranes. Getting rid of these symptoms will help to take antihistamines.

Tearing often accompanies the process of infectious disease, or inflammatory process. Here there is no other advice than to consult a doctor, undergo an examination and start treatment.

Dry eye syndrome in winter can be aggravated by exposure to dry air conditioned or cold air, unfavorable ecology of the city and also cause unpleasant tearing.

Most often, doctors prescribe moisturizing drops to prevent tearing. Since this condition today is diagnosed in every second patient, the use of moisturizing drops will be useful to everyone, regardless of the season.

The instructions for some drops state that they help combat excessive tear production in windy and cold weather. There are many popular drops available, but they should be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Sports can replace eye drops. How exactly, told in the previous material.
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