Diaries from quarantine: how streamer Karina lives in Italy

Coronavirus infection has been spreading rapidly around the world for the past three months. The first country to be hit was China. After the outbreak of the virus occurred in Italy. Blogger Karina Sycheva, better known as streamer Karina, moved to the European country eight years ago. Now she lives in the northern region of Lombardy, a few kilometers from the city of Bergamo, which is the center of the epidemic.

The other day, the girl published a video about the coronavirus in Italy on her YouTube channel. In it, she told how the local medicine works, in what form Italians go to the store for food and how the country’s residents treat the pandemic. Be warned: the picture is not favorable.

What is the main danger of the coronavirus in Italy?

At the time of filming the video, which was published on March 23, in Bergamo there were 5 thousand sick per 120 thousand inhabitants. According to Karina, during the last week so many people died in the city that their bodies did not have time to cremate and were taken away on military trucks.

According to the girl, the main danger of the virus is that its incubation period lasts two weeks. During this time, alarming symptoms are not manifested, but the carrier of the infection can infect others. Coronavirus stays about a day on cardboard, and on plastic and steel – 3-4 days. It is also active in the air for three hours.

The blogger believes that it is not the disease itself that is scary, but its complications. Coronavirus requires hospitalization in 20% of cases, in 5-6% – resuscitation. When a person stops breathing on his own, artificial ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (a method of oxygenating the blood in severe respiratory failure – Editor’s note) become necessary .

Karina is also sure that not only elderly people and diabetics die from coronavirus. As an example, the girl cited the first ill Italian, who is now 38 years old. Before the infection, he could boast good health, practiced soccer and overcame marathon distances. The man spent three weeks in an induced coma on a ventilator. He has now been treated, but the Italian resident still cannot walk.

Why did the coronavirus outbreak happen in Italy?

This year has been declared the year of Chinese-Italian tourism. Knowing the speed of spread of the virus and seeing the large number of Chinese tourists in Italy, the girl decided to isolate herself as early as January 25 and bought FFP3 respirators, rubberized goggles and medical gloves. When Karina went out of the house two months ago in such a way, people looked at her with great surprise. Soon everything changed.

The blogger believes that the main problem of the rapid spread of the disease lies in the population. Most Italians do not know how to keep a social distance even in a critical situation. They can not be alone and isolated, they constantly need company. And despite the police cars, from which people are urged by loudspeaker to stay at home, some citizens act contrary to serious requests.

Initially, some people in the country did not react to the news about two Chinese tourists who were diagnosed with coronavirus in Italy. And the spread of the infection had already begun at that point. Some people still act as skeptics and believe that the danger of coronavirus is exaggerated. And even old people are distrustful of the government’s requests and security measures.

The girl herself looks with great disappointment at how some fellow citizens neglect the banal rules of hygiene. She advises people who live in Italy and other countries to take care of their health more carefully and take the situation in the world seriously. After all, this is the only way to stop the virus.

You can watch the detailed story of streamer Karina in the video.

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