Doctor-gastroenterologist called the rules of nutrition for stomach diseases, colds and acute respiratory infections

Therapeutic nutrition is a special system of food intake, which is developed in cooperation with a doctor for the prevention or monitoring of health and when diseases are detected. It is also used to maintain a normal weight, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

Vladimir Neronov

doctor-gastroenterologist of JSC “Medicine” (Clinic of Academician Roitberg), Doctor of Medical Sciences

If a healthy person can sometimes afford food errors – the system has its own “safety margin”, then in case of disturbed work of internal organs the use of “heavy” products aggravates diseases. That is why it is so important against the background of various diagnosed failures in the body to pay attention to proper nutrition.

Nutrition in diseases goes in conjunction with the main treatment. Do not neglect the recommendations of experts: how, what and in what form to consume. Therapeutic diets help in the implementation of various types of therapy, reduce the likelihood of complications. The body copes faster with the load during the disease.

Sometimes a special dietary system can be the only effective way to treat the patient. This applies to diseases of the digestive organs, kidneys, diabetes mellitus, poor absorption of certain nutrients.

How to choose a diet

The therapeutic effect of diets is based on changing the quality of products, their quantitative ratio. It is also characterized by the addition of new nutrients to the usual diet, which can affect recovery. The diet changes the processing of ingredients during cooking – chopping, steam cooking, stewing, temperature of the dish, dietary regimen.

The way of eating, its processing and the quantitative composition of possible consumed products, the patient chooses only under the guidance of an experienced doctor. You can not rely on your own unqualified data, read in unverified sources.

The doctor conducts the necessary studies, assesses the condition of the digestive organs. After that, a suitable dietary ration is prescribed, taking into account the filling of the deficit of vitamins, macro- and microelements, mineral salts.

As a rule, during illnesses, the body needs to replenish ascorbic acid and vitamin B1. Self-medication can aggravate ailments and be dangerous to health.

The basic principles of diets are based on the physiological data of the patient (height, weight) and diagnosed body disorders. In each specific case, the table will be individualized. In some diseases, the patient may need a fractional diet five to six times a day, and sometimes in complex cases and up to eight.

Basic principles of nutrition in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

The main task of the therapeutic diet in the presence of problems with the stomach is the timely replenishment of the deficit of essential nutrients in the body. Compliance with the dietary regimen established by the doctor in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and other intestinal problems – the main condition for the pledge of recovery.

Temperature of food

Food should be eaten warm – in no case frozen or, conversely, very hot. The most suitable temperature is considered to be close to the human body temperature – 37 ° C. Hot and cold dishes have an irritating effect and increase intestinal peristalsis.

Frequency of meals

Eat at least three times a day. Food should be chewed thoroughly, avoid dry and coarse dishes, do not eat too much at one meal. It takes the body two to three days to digest food, so it is important to be selective about what you eat.

Restriction in heavy foods

It is necessary to refuse excessively spicy, fried, smoked and sour dishes, strongly carbonated drinks. They have stimulating and irritating properties and with regular use lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastritis, pancreatitis, alimentary hepatitis.

In such diseases, it is strictly forbidden to eat dishes that irritate the mucosa of the digestive tract. They cause excessive production of gastric juice and the release of carcinogens, provoke an inflammatory reaction.

Refusal of sweets

Also with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is categorically forbidden to consume fried, sweet, sour, baked goods, soups on fried foods, fast food, convenience foods, nuts, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Watch the composition of foods

Some products can provoke increased gas formation in the intestine. Among them – legumes, white cabbage, products from yeast dough, fatty cottage cheese.

Observe thermal processing

Give preference to dishes cooked on steam, boiled, stewed and baked products, without an abundance of spices and sauces.

The ratio of vegetable and animal food in the diet should correspond to the approximate proportions of 70:30. First and second meals may consist of vegetable soups dressed with olive or vegetable oil.

Desserts can consist of sour cream, jams made from fruits, berries or soybeans. You can drink herbal teas or infusions of dried fruits. Do not forget to drink enough water to keep the body hydrated.

Nutrition for colds and acute respiratory infections

With a cold, it is also important to eat systematically, balanced and correctly. But, in addition to the main meals, drinking plenty of water will be important.

Water balance

In a patient with a cold and ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), there is inflammation of the mucous membranes and their drying out. Thus, the first protective barrier of the body – the nose and mouth – does not work to its full potential. It is necessary to increase the moisture of the mucous membranes, so that they can block harmful bacteria and not let them inside.

It is recommended to consume at least two liters of water. You can add slices of lemon to drinking. The fruit will be able to make up for the deficiency of necessary vitamin C. With severe sore throat in warm water should be added honey. He will be able to soothe the inflamed mucosa.

High calorie dishes

Compose a diet taking into account the nutritional value. Add to the menu animal proteins, fish, cooked at home. Sugar should be excluded at this time, as well as excessively fatty food. To accelerate recovery, it is better to drink drinks from dried fruits.

Variety of products

From the variability depends on the process of recovery. Try to include a variety of foods in your diet: fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, dairy products, cereals, legumes, nuts, seeds and oils.

Eating foods high in animal proteins

Animal proteins, proteins, help the immune system to get back in tone and prevent fatigue. For this, you can add legumes, meat, fish, eggs and dairy products to your menu.

Include ingredients with antioxidant activity

To help the body resist viruses, you need to constantly take foods with high antioxidants. These help protect against various infections, including those with the common cold. This category can include fruits (apricots, prunes, cherries), vegetables (cabbage, asparagus, radishes), as well as black rice and cereals.

Summarizing, we note that the therapeutic diet is based solely on the recommendations of doctors and in each case is selected individually. But do not forget that almost every diet recommends the use of home-cooked food, avoid excessively fatty foods, limit the consumption of sweets, strong alcohol.

Therapeutic dieting can also change eating behavior in general. It introduces dietary measures into your diet that will help you eat mindfully, prevent disease, and strengthen your physical and emotional well-being.

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