Are you still wondering whether you should buy a bike? Then we’re coming to you.
We could have started the article this way, but we decided to just tell you ten good reasons to do it now. After all, beautiful legs and many more bonuses (discussed below) are already waiting for those who finally decide to switch to two-wheeled transportation in 2020.
It’s more convenient than walking
And there’s no arguing about it. At the very least, it’s a good time saver. And besides, you won’t have to carry bags and heavy bags in your hands anymore. Hang a stylish basket in the front or attach the trunk at the back – and voila.
By the way, you don’t have to adjust to public transportation schedules either. You set a route and you can go whenever you want, and on the way you can stop for a delicious coffee or beautiful scenery.
It’s an effective way to lose weight
Cycling increases your heart rate, which speeds up your metabolism and increases your energy expenditure. Depending on your heart rate, your weight, the length and speed of the ride, and your breathing, an hour of cycling can consume anywhere from 250 to 800 or even 1000 kcal. Of course, more intense and speedy rides burn the most calories.
Cyclists have their own community
Like any hobby, bicycling can help you make new friends. At the very least, you already have one common interest. In addition, cyclists often organize mass rides, festivals and parades, which you can easily participate in. What is not a reason to remember your childhood, dress up in a bright costume and ride through the streets of your favorite city in good company?
Leg muscles will become more relief
Legs are the main load when riding. They are the first to respond to regular training. The pressure on the pedal starts with the contraction of the gluteal and quadriceps muscles, soon the hamstrings are engaged, and the calf and soleus muscles join in. The cycling movements give them not only tone, but also a beautiful relief, which can be seen in professional cyclists.
Lung volume will increase
When cycling, the lungs start working much more actively than usual. Not only do they gradually increase in volume during long rides, but they also get rid of toxic substances (especially if you ride close to nature rather than in the city).
Stress levels will be reduced
Monotonous movements and measured breathing can quickly put your thoughts in order and “switch” you to new, positive emotions. After all, cycling reminds most of us of a carefree childhood. In order to get a dose of serotonin, try to ride at least a couple of kilometers on a new two-wheeled friend.
It’ll solve your insomnia problem
Yes, and not just because you’ll be more tired. During riding, the blood is intensively enriched with oxygen, it goes to the brain cells. It is this saturation that makes sleep deeper and healthier. In addition, cycling will get rid of the stress hormone cortisol, which is often the cause of insomnia.
Improved thinking ability
Here again, oxygenation of the blood is to blame. It becomes the reason for the nucleation of new brain cells. From this, your thought processes are activated and your memory improves.
These types of aerobic exercises affect the hippocampus. This is the part of the brain that is just responsible for memory, learning and emotions. Such effects have been confirmed by research at the University of Illinois. After six months of daily cycling, the hippocampus of the test participants increased by 2%, and their ability to memorize and identify errors improved to 15-20%. Most importantly, the scientists found that just a few months of riding rejuvenated the brain by two years.
No parking problems
Buying a bike complete with lock will solve most of the parking problems motorists are familiar with. They are often the last straw in the decision to change means of transportation. A bicycle can be easily parked where a car can’t park, driven right up to your driveway or, if you want, even driven up to the floor – and your transportation is always within easy reach.
Saving money
In general, the prices for bicycles do not bite. Although everything here depends on your needs. You can buy both a used version for pennies, and the most “tricked out” and equipped bike for a tidy sum. However, you save a lot of money on the road, if compared to traveling by public transport or your own car.