We’re all used to salty food. And that’s okay. Some people salt more, others less. Salt is an important component for the body, but it should be understood that excessive use can lead to unpleasant consequences.
Salt, namely sodium chloride, is found in almost all foods that are present in the diet of most people. And if you also constantly dosalivayut food? After all, the daily norm for an adult is only 5 g, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. Together with nutritiologist Anna Beresneva, let’s find out how salt affects the body and how to realize that it’s time to reduce its amount.
How to realize that there is too much salt?
The body almost always warns when it is in danger. And it’s the same with excessive salt intake. If you suddenly began to notice that you have swelling, heaviness in the legs, increased blood pressure, you are thirsty at night, the skin has become dry and began to peel, then most likely the body is giving stop signs. They can tell you that it is time to reduce your salt intake.
What is the danger of excessive salt intake?
If you systematically overdo it with salt, there is a risk of disrupting the movement of lymph, swelling will appear. Blood pressure may rise, which is especially dangerous for hypertensive people. Also may manifest unpleasant sensations in the legs – heaviness, swelling and even cramps.
If you ignore the body’s signals to reduce salt intake for a long time, as a result, it will lead to problems with cardiovascular, bone, muscle systems, lymphatic flow, and joints. Salt can also have a bad effect on the kidneys and provoke the development of urolithiasis. The range of negative effects is extremely wide.
Does salt harm the figure?
Moderate use of salt has no effect on the figure. However, excessive and insufficient amounts of this substance in the diet can have a negative impact. Due to the violation of the movement of lymph, metabolism slows down and the composition of all body fluids is disturbed.
Is it possible to completely eliminate salt from the diet?
“I extremely do not recommend this,” says the nutriciologist. Everything should be in moderation. Of course, excessive salt intake is bad for many body functions. But a lack of it will also have a negative effect on the same organs.