There are dozens of different exercises to build muscle mass of the buttocks. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult for beginners to find the ones that will be most effective. We have selected effective and boring exercises from the YouTube channel TGYM, which will definitely not leave you indifferent. For some of them you will need a dumbbell, a resistance band and a chair.
Dumbbell squats and deadlifts
Number of repetitions: 15 times.
Θέση εκκίνησης: Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in your hands in front of you.
First you should perform a squat, so that the angle in the knee was 90 degrees. After returning to the starting position, do the next part of this exercise – a standing pull. Imagine that you are trying to reach the floor with dumbbells. You can bend your legs slightly at the knee. Remember that your back must remain straight. Next, alternate between squats and pulling.
“Butterfly” in the side plank.
Number of repetitions: 15 times to each side.
Θέση εκκίνησης: rest on the elbow, legs bent and folded so that they touch the feet and knees.
During the exercise, you should spread your knees so that at the top point you feel the greatest tension in the muscles of the buttocks. When your knees are opened, your body should form a single line, so do not forget to lift your body.
Running in place and bringing your leg back
Number of repetitions: 20 times.
Θέση εκκίνησης: standing at the back of a chair.
For convenience, you can put a chair in front of you so that there is a support.
“Run” three steps on the spot. And on the fourth, as in the exercise “Swallow”, take back the leg on which you initially stood. That is, if you were standing on your left leg, you should take the left one back. At the top point, feel the tension of the gluteal muscle.
Squats and leg extension to the side
Number of repetitions: 12 times.
Θέση εκκίνησης: feet shoulder-width apart.
When performing a classic squat, make sure that your knees do not fall forward. Straighten up, take your leg to the side and repeat the squat. You can alternate legs during one approach or do a separate approach for each leg. If you want to complicate the exercise, use a rubber band.
Hip Raise
Number of repetitions: 10 times.
Θέση εκκίνησης: shoulder blades resting on the edge of the chair, hands behind the head, angle under the knees 90 degrees.
Slowly lower the pelvis down. Fix the angle in your knees – it should always be straight. Then return to the starting position, be sure to exhale! Tense the muscles of the buttocks as much as you can, and freeze in this position for a few seconds. Slowly lower yourself again and repeat. Keep your toes off the floor so that the main weight is on your heels. The muscles are tense: the stomach is pulled in, the hips are picked up.
To see how to correctly perform the exercises, you can see in the video “Championship”.
If your gluteal muscles “burn” after such a workout, it means that it was a success!