Women’s business: how to train your legs in the gym and not overpump them

Working out in the gym without an experienced mentor raises a lot of questions and sometimes stereotypes. For example, some girls refuse to do strength training for legs because they do not want to build solid muscle mass. But the truth is that with a competent approach, undesirable results can be avoided. Ekaterina Nekrasova, a top trainer of the World Class chain, tells how to do it and shares five exercises for the gym that will help to achieve slim legs.

Is it possible to overpump legs because of strength training?

Girls are afraid of overpumping for nothing. It is possible for a woman to do this only if she works with huge weights, like a man, or takes drugs for muscle growth.

Learn to “turn on” the glutes in any leg exercise – then you will never have a huge quadriceps and the effect of an over-pumped lower body. Develop the neural connection “muscle-brain”, visualize how your muscles work, how they grow in the right proportions for you. With this, you’ll learn to feel your body and the muscles you’re working on.

My own personal lifehack: periodically, 1-2 times a week, I do a light workout without weights. I just do a round of exercises for each leg: lunges, various swings, static. It makes my legs look slimmer. Exercising without weights will never lead to huge muscles in this part of the body – on the contrary, it will emphasize femininity and attractiveness.

5 exercises for leg muscles that can be performed in the gym

We have compiled for you a workout that will help you work your leg muscles in the gym. For it, you will need a barbell and various exercise machines. There are no contraindications to these exercises, but you need to perform them with a small weight and follow the correct technique, or work out with a trainer.

Other effective exercises for a variety of muscle groups can be found in our Instagram, in the current “Be in shape”.

Squats with a barbell

Θέση εκκίνησης: standing, the barbell lies at the top of the trapezius, palms on the bar, elbows pointing forward.

The movement begins with the pelvis being pulled back, then bend the knees. Try not to roll them inwards, they should be directed towards the toes. Squat down to parallel with the floor, not lower. At the bottom point, tense your buttocks and push yourself up with them.

The first approach in this exercise is performed as a warm-up, with an empty bar.

Platform leg press

Θέση εκκίνησης: in the trainer, feet are on top of the platform and spread slightly wider than the pelvis, toes slightly pointed to the sides. The pelvis is tightly pressed, the head rests on the backrest.

Lower the platform, without bringing the pelvis off the back of the machine, and on exhalation perform a platform press. At this moment press on it with your heels. Make sure that your knees are directed to the sides of your toes.

Standing shin flexion

Θέση εκκίνησης: standing in the simulator, pelvis tightly pressed against the cushion, toe pulled towards yourself.

Isolated shin flexion, tensing the back of the thigh. Keep your pelvis on the trainer. Then return to the starting position.

Hip extension sitting on the trainer

Θέση εκκίνησης: sitting on the machine, feet on the footrest, shoulder blades pressed against the backrest, lower back in natural flexion.

As you exhale, perform the maximum possible hip extension – spread your legs apart. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

Hip extension sitting in the trainer

Θέση εκκίνησης: sitting in the trainer, feet on the footrest, shoulder blades pressed against the backrest, lower back in natural flexion.

As you exhale, perform a hip extension – try to bring your knees together. Hold in this position for a second and return to the starting position.

Do this workout in the gym 1-2 times a week, not more often.

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