3 simple exercises we’ve been doing wrong

How to avoid mistakes in basic exercises? How to perform them correctly?

We tell you together with a fitness trainer.

Many people start the path to a healthy and strong body with basic exercises. These include push-ups – simple and on the bars, pull-ups with different grip, squats, lunges. However, at first many people make mistakes even in the simplest elements.

Collected the main problems that arise when performing three basic exercises: lunges, squats and push-ups.

Egor Fukalov

fitness trainer

During the month, when a person comes to the trainer, he is put the technique of exercises. Some people get it quickly, and some take much longer. Accordingly, from my experience, I will say that most people do absolutely everything wrong at the beginning of the “sports path”.

Table of Contents


One of the most difficult exercises, as practice shows. This exercise is multi-joint, i.e. it involves several joints, and therefore it is not easy to perform.

Egor: Lunge is the same as squatting on one leg. You must step forward and lower yourself so that the angle at the knee joint is 90 degrees. The main load is on the front leg.

Most often people start pushing up with the back leg, bending the front leg in the ankle joint instead of the knee and hip joints. This way we engage the wrong muscle groups. In addition, the knees can suffer during lunges. If they go forward a lot when bending the ankle, you can damage the joints.

Lunges have different techniques. If you want to pump the buttocks and the back of the thigh, you need to tilt the body. If your goal is the front of the thigh, your back should remain flat.


Egor: Most people are used to doing push-ups quickly. They work not for quality, but for the number of repetitions. But this is a big misconception. It is better to do 10 push-ups, but slowly, than 20, but quickly.

Some people put their palms too high, pulling the humerus upward. This distributes the load in the body incorrectly and can damage the shoulder joint.

Egor: The situation is even more complicated when it comes to bench press. If in normal push-ups you use your own body weight, in bench press you use additional weight in the form of a barbell.

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