9 tips from a nutritionist on how to start eating right and stay on track

Alena Denisova

To start a new life from Monday, to stop eating sweets, to sign up for a swimming pool and other goals almost every person has set for himself. But everything looks so colorful only at first: as a rule, in the morning we like the prospect of training less, a healthy breakfast is replaced by coffee drunk on the way to work, and we again start waiting for holidays, vacations and other, more suitable reasons for our new life.

Why does this happen?

We are motivated by the results of acquaintances, photos of bloggers from social networks, we really want to do something useful for our health, but every time the result does not meet expectations.

If all the popular diets, weight loss methods, books on how to incorporate 100 healthy habits into your regimen in one day are working methods, then why do people still try to cope with excess weight, make another attempt to start training and live like this for years?

The answer lies in the fact that we very often want quick results and it seems to us that to follow rigid rules, to start changing everything and immediately in your life – this is the only right option. But it’s not.

Why do not try star diets on yourself? Told in the link.

Therefore, the topic of nutrition, regimen and weight loss is always relevant, and sometimes – especially. The holidays are coming up, and you’ve probably already thought about getting in shape. Let’s find out where you should start so that the result will please you.

But first, a few tips on how not to act:

  • Stop indulging in illusions about your own omnipotence. You will not lose weight in two weeks by 10 kg., and if you lose weight, then you will gain even more.
  • Do not try to give up something at once. For example, from sweets. The division of products into “bad” and “good” will only increase the tension between you and certain foods. After a while, you’ll find your hand in an already empty candy wrapper, get upset and open a second one.
  • Don’t look at others. The needs of the body of each of us is different, so you need to lose weight taking into account these features.
  • Do not force yourself. Do not eat what you do not like. And also do what does not cause pleasant feelings, each time overcoming yourself.

Now we come to the main thing: how to change your diet with the benefit of the body and without stress for the psyche?

Eat more fruits and vegetables. To really change your diet, to make it healthier, to reduce weight, it is worth starting with small but real changes. Want to eat more fruits and vegetables?

Start with one product a day, keeping in mind the norm of five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. When you feel a habit starting to form, add a serving.

Reduce sugar, not eliminate it. The very thought of minimizing sugary foods carries common sense. So approach the process accordingly.

Try new recipes using sweeteners or syrups, study the composition of the product more often before buying, reduce portion sizes. For example, eat half a piece of cake instead of the whole cake.

Learn to listen to your body’s signals. Eat when you are hungry, do not finish the rest of the portion if you are already full, and do not eat according to the rules set for you.

Add more fresh foods to your diet. Vegetables and fruits not only contain vitamins and minerals, but also fiber, which promotes feelings of satiety.

Eat a nutritious diet. You should have different sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet, a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables. Try to consume both vegetable and animal sources of fats.

Do not exclude butter, dairy products and cheese from your diet, as it is sometimes advised to do: they contain protein, calcium and many vitamins.

Remember to eat dinner. If you do not eat in the evening, the morning feeling of hunger will make you eat more. So eat dinner three to four hours before bedtime, and if you get hungry, have a light snack.

Choose natural meat and poultry. Do not favor ready-made meat products: they have almost no protein, a lot of salt and fat. Therefore, meat and poultry cooked in a gentle way will be the best solution.

Have healthy snacks. If you are used to snacking, there is no point in giving up this habit.

Give preference to nuts, dried fruits, yogurt, fruits, candied fruits, breads. This will be a great substitute for salty nuts, cookies and snacks, which have almost no nutritional value.

Here you will find healthy snacks for those who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Control the amount of salt in your diet. Try not to over-salt your dishes, buy less convenience foods and ready-made products.

If something you do not succeed at once – do not worry! It is necessary to give yourself time to adapt, try to understand what exactly you are confused, prevents you from following the meal plan, and try to correct.

Remember that your task is not to constantly limit yourself. You need to build a diet that you can stick to for the rest of your life without experiencing difficulties.

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