Expressive cheekbones in 3 minutes a day. 3 useful facial exercises

Expressive cheekbones in 3 minutes a day. 3 useful facial exercises

Maria Fadeeva

Maria Fadeeva

Expressive cheekbones in 3 minutes

You’ll need a guasha stone.

Maria Fadeeva

Self-massage facial trainer and co-founder of Face Fit studios.

How to make cheekbones expressive with exercises?

Perfect cheekbones are the most frequent request of modern girls. Conventional beauties, Hollywood actresses set trends. Cheekbones can be made in combination with professional pumping of facial muscles in facial lifting massage studios, supplementing and supporting this effect with exercises at home.

We have prepared a short workout for expressive cheekbones. To perform it you will need a guasha stone, three minutes of free time and a good mood.

Be careful! The use of guasha stone should be treated with caution in case of skin rashes (e.g. acne) or thyroid problems. Consult a specialist before doing self-massage.

Exercise 1


  • Put the stone guasha straight side on the area of the nasolabial fold and lead from the center of the face to the periphery. Hand at 90 degrees.
  • We work on a strong pressure.
  • After we have brought the gouache to the end, we press lightly with our hand on this point to fix the correct position of the stone.
  • Return the hand to the initial position and repeat the movement.

Do 10 repetitions on both sides.

Exercise 2


  • Put the guasha with the flat side to the earlobe and pull the stone up to the cheekbone area.
  • Work on a strong pressure, do 10 repetitions.
  • After that leave the stone under the zygomatic bone, press maximally and raise the skin even higher.
  • Hold in this position for five counts and repeat four more times.

Do the same on the other side of the face.

Exercise 3


  • Put the gouache flat side parallel to the nose and from under the eye lead along the bone to the ear area.
  • Work on the maximum pressure.
  • Return the hand to the initial position and repeat the movement.

Do 10 times on each side of the face.

Training is over. Detailed performance of exercises and comments Maria see in the video.

Self-massage of the face does real wonders with the muscles and skin. For example, with the help of exercises you can also correct the chin area. Read about how to do it here.

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