How to learn how to sleep properly, even if you are uncomfortable

Elena Pastarnac
family orthopedist of ORTEKA orthopedic salons

How to learn to sleep properly? What habits will help you sleep better?

From a health point of view, it is best to sleep on your back. In this case, the load on the spine is minimized, and it is evenly distributed over the entire musculoskeletal system. But what to do if it is unusual and uncomfortable to sleep on your back? We tell you how to learn how to rest safely and comfortably for the spine.

Stop tossing and turning

Problems with falling asleep lead to the fact that you turn in bed for a long time. In such cases, it is not possible to fall asleep in the right position. So first you need to deal with the causes of your insomnia.

The most common ones are stress and the accumulated worries of the day. Try various techniques of controlled breathing, which should be performed while lying on your back. They help you calm down and get rid of negative thoughts. Perhaps the most popular of these techniques is the 4-7-8 method. There are no scientific studies on its benefits for sleep, but it helps to relax. After all, the calmer the state of a person, the sooner he falls asleep.

It is not difficult to do the exercise. Lie on the bed, inhale through the nose for four seconds, then hold your breath for seven seconds and exhale through the mouth for eight seconds, keeping the tip of the tongue behind the upper front teeth. Repeat the exercise two to three times. Of course, the technique does not guarantee that you will fall asleep in a minute, but you will reduce the level of accumulated stress, relax and be able to fall asleep in the right position.

Calm down

The compulsive thought of falling asleep sooner is often the cause of insomnia in both adults and children. In such cases, you can use a technique that suggests counting sheep to distract and relax. Counting, of course, you can do anything, although it is enough to think about something pleasant and do not dwell on the process of falling asleep.

Adjust the temperature and humidity

It is very important to form the right microclimate in the bedroom. If you are stuffy and hot, you will definitely not fall asleep quickly on your back and during the night you will try to find a more comfortable position. Therefore, regularly ventilate the room: in winter, open the windows for a few minutes before going to bed and leave the room. Many people feel comfortable sleeping at a temperature of 18-21°C and a humidity level of 40-50%.

Choose the right mattress

Learning to sleep on your back can be helped by orthopedic pillows and mattresses. Such pillows support the neck and head in a physiologically correct position, and also reduce the load on them. This improves blood circulation to the brain and relieves muscle tension.

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