Inspirational checklist: 25 things to try if you want to change your life

Do you notice how fast time goes by? In the pursuit of careers, families and household chores, people often forget about the most important things – the bright moments that fill our lives with pleasant memories. Routine and habitual activities can sometimes turn a blind eye to those very unique opportunities. But there is a way out – making a checklist. It’s an inspiring list of things you can try to do at least once in your life.

Daria Yausheva

Clinical psychologist (IP&CP), counseling psychologist

“The checklist is a wonderful way to turn chaos into a manageable process. It helps you identify and map out what you want, assess the scope and realism of your goals.”

By writing down items, you place the most important things in front of your eyes. This increases the likelihood that nothing will be forgotten. When you write your goal on a checklist, it becomes more tangible to you. It becomes easier for a person to take steps towards its realization. With a clear list, one can build a hierarchy, prioritize the items.

How to create a checklist?

A checklist can be kept in a special application or written on paper. It all depends on your habits. Some people are more comfortable writing by hand, while others use gadgets. Ideally, if it will fit on a separate sheet and you can see all the items.

The most important thing is that the checklist should be “alive”. You can interact with it every day. After all, any dream or global goal becomes realizable, if you go to it without straying from the path.

25 inspiring things

Each person must answer for himself the question of what important things he should have time to do in his life. There are no universal values. There are individual ones. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand them. But you can be inspired by our list and take the necessary points.

Evgeny Guriev

Personal growth specialist, founder of the Personal Growth Academy.

“It’s often hard for people to decide to do something new. But there are certain actions that can help you get inspired, push your boundaries and most importantly – finally change something in your life. What are they? I tell you below.”

1. Do yoga

Yoga helps you find inner peace and harmony. This practice improves concentration, promotes self-reflection and teaches you how to cope with stress. Regular yoga practice can lead to profound inner changes and expanded consciousness.

2. Have gadget-free days

Constant use of smartphones often drowns out our inner self and distracts us from important thoughts and feelings. A gadget-free day will allow you to focus on yourself, your feelings and desires. This time can be devoted to walking, reading books or meditation, which will help you find balance in your life and new sources of inspiration.

3. Spend time in nature

Spending time in nature restores inner balance and energizes you. Walking in the woods, hiking in the mountains, or relaxing by a body of water can help reduce stress levels and improve your mood. Nature inspires and helps you find answers to important questions.

4. Watch motivational movies

Try to watch movies that are about overcoming challenges, achieving goals, and personal triumphs. They often serve as a powerful source of inspiration. Motivational movies show that any difficulty is surmountable. After watching them, you will want to perform your own feats. Regular exposure to such materials stimulates personal growth and helps you believe in your own strength.

5. Blogging

Writing structures your thoughts, helps you reflect emotions and events of the day. This is how you begin to engage in self-reflection. This leads to new ideas and inspiration. A blog can be started both closed and open. And regular maintenance of your own page in social networks will help to create a community of like-minded people and open new opportunities for communication and development.

Arthur Luck

Expert in motivation, self-development, goal setting and achievement

“Our body is so organized that it is very reluctant to go beyond the usual boundaries. People resist change on every level of existence – emotional, mental and physical. But it is beyond the boundaries of the habitual way of life that lies what we long for or dream of. Here are five simple actions to help inspire change.”

6. Find like-minded people

The people we socialize with have a huge impact on the way we live our lives and the decisions we make. This is why surrounding ourselves is extremely important. Our family, friends, coworkers can be the ones who inspire, support, keep us going and not give up. But there are other cases. In order to grow and develop, you need to take a sober look at who you are communicating with and how.

If the basis of interaction is criticism, reproach, gossip, envy or resentment, such communication will never inspire and will not allow you to grow. Communication with such people should be stopped or limited as much as possible.

Look for those who share and support your values and interests. A positive social circle helps you to develop, go to the goal, and does not cause feelings of guilt or fear.

7. Be inspired by the stories of real people

One of the biggest obstacles in pushing your own boundaries is the word “impossible.” This belief is either due to a person’s bad personal experiences or lack of information.

It is important to look for and find motivating examples that show that “impossible” is just a word, not a sentence.

Success stories of Ilon Musk, Jack Ma or Jeff Bezos can be inspiring. But there are more interesting examples. The names of these people are rarely heard. For example, Abebe Bikila, who ran a marathon barefoot in Rome in 1960 and unexpectedly became an Olympic champion.

Another example is Murray Halberg. He became the champion in the 5000 meter run at the same Rome Olympics. His story is amazing because Halberg was injured in his youth. He was running with a paralyzed left arm, yet he competed against fully healthy athletes.

8. Develop a persistent habit of change

Often people start changing things very abruptly. After a couple of days the fervor runs out and everything goes back to the old way. To develop a habit requires the formation of new persistent neural connections. It takes from three weeks to eight months to create them. Motivation alone is not enough. You need discipline. How do you develop that?

You can use the two-minute rule. It’s very simple. Begin to accustom yourself to new actions with just two minutes a day. It is not difficult at all. Such a rule will not lead to sudden changes and will allow you to systematically introduce something new into your life.

9. Engage in meditation and breathing practices

Meditation and breathing practices are not just a fashionable and popular trend. With regular practice, a person gains the ability to recognize, understand and manage their feelings and emotions. Not to waste vital energy, but to accept it. Then emotions become a valuable resource. Also these practices help to focus on the most important things and develop intuition.

10. Regularly develop

The source of development can be the simplest and most familiar things. For example, listening to your favorite music activates the areas of the brain associated with the development of memory and concentration.

Watching inspiring movies promotes the production of the hormone of happiness. It also helps to keep a positive attitude and gives you confidence in your own abilities.

Reading books helps to expand the boundaries of imagination, increases vocabulary, reduces stress levels, slows the aging process of the brain, develops and increases concentration levels.

Maria Antonova

Certified coach, writer, expert in time management and planning

“Everyone has those moments when they want something new. The current routine does not bring joy, and it seems that life is passing by. I tell you what actions will help you make the first step to change and give a sense of novelty.”

11. Keep diaries

Not feeling satisfied with your day? Start keeping a “victory diary.” Write down all of your accomplishments in it. Feeling lonely? Try keeping a “gratitude journal.” Here it is important to write down any things for which you feel grateful.

These practices not only help you structure your thoughts and feelings, but also serve as a great way for self-reflection and personal development. Start journaling today and you will see how gradually your life will begin to change for the better.

12. Helping others

Helping others is not only an act of kindness, but also a powerful source of inner growth and self-development. You begin to better understand and appreciate what you have, and learn to enjoy the little things. It is an opportunity to see the world through different eyes and realize how important support is. You can do some volunteering, visit orphanages, nursing homes and orphanages.

13. Attend interesting events

When was the last time you attended masterminds or trainings in your city? Such events not only provide an opportunity to enjoy live communication, but also bring together people with common passions. In today’s world, we often underestimate ourselves and our experience, thinking that no one needs our knowledge and advice. But this is not the case.

Attending seminars, master classes and business breakfasts will open a lot of opportunities for you. Not only will you be enriched with new knowledge, but you will also be able to share your experience, help others and find like-minded people. Such interactions can inspire you to new ideas, projects and personal growth.

14. Find a favorite hobby

Write out on paper all your dreams and desires. Perhaps as a child you wanted to sing on stage or play the drums. Think back to all the wonderful desires that once inspired you. Don’t be afraid to dream and set new goals for yourself. A favorite hobby not only stimulates your brain, but also opens up new possibilities for you.

When you learn something new, you are inspired and push your boundaries. You get to know yourself in new ways, discover talents and abilities you didn’t even know you had. This incredibly exciting and rewarding experience is sure to change your life.

15. Live in a different place

Sometimes you need to break out of your familiar surroundings and travel to a new place to refresh your feelings and thoughts. Even a temporary move for a couple weeks can have a surprisingly positive impact on you.

Physically moving from one place to another improves emotional and mental health, reduces stress, and increases creativity.

Walking around new places can inspire new ideas and projects, give you the opportunity to take amazing photos and just enjoy the change of scenery. It’s an opportunity to see the world from a different angle, experience fresh emotions, meet interesting people and discover other possibilities.

Elena Golubeva

Personal brand building expert, personal growth mentor

“An inspirational list should be as detailed as possible. This is how we visualize our desires. Then our brain goes from “sleep mode” to action. We start to want something very much, and therefore – to achieve. I propose to analyze in more detail what items can help you change your life”.

16. Praise yourself

It is important to learn to praise yourself for any achievements. How to do this. Give yourself gifts for successes, give them solemnly and sincerely enjoy the moment. Go to the mirror and say out loud: “You are super.” These actions will help boost self-esteem and motivation, creating a positive attitude toward your own successes.

17. Write down dreams

It’s important to write down all your dreams. Even if they seem strange or unrealistic to you. I recommend writing down your dreams on paper. The fact is that only in this way our brain qualitatively works out our plan-schedule, and also fine motor skills create new neural connections.

18. Take Ascesis

If you’re having a hard time forming a habit, take up ascesis. What it is. Ascesis is voluntarily restricting yourself from something in order to achieve a goal. For example, you have lacked the willpower to perform an action for a long time. Ascesis will help you develop discipline as well as understand your true needs.

19. Apply the practice of gratitude

Be grateful for each day, new opportunities, and the people around you. This practice will help you feel happy, keep a positive attitude and realize the value of every moment in your life. You can say out loud every night all the things you are grateful for, or you can write the items down in a notebook.

20. Change your image

Sometimes a change of image can be a powerful source of inspiration. Try changing your haircut, hair color, updating your closet, or adding interesting accessories. This will not only lift your mood, but also give you a boost of confidence, help you see yourself from a new side and inspire you to new achievements.

Irina Tyutina

psychologist, psychoanalytical coach, body-oriented specialist

“If a person wants to change something in his life, to find new sources of inspiration, it is necessary to work in several directions at once. It is important to involve both the intellectual and emotional sphere, and, of course, not to forget about the bodily sphere. I will tell you what to pay attention to.

21. Go on a trip

The easiest and quickest and most realizable way to reset and inspire is to travel. You can go abroad or take a vacation in a neighboring city. Any trip will already be a great vacation and source of inspiration. And most importantly, the impressions you get will trigger new thought processes.

22. Engage in sports

If we’re talking about a more serious reboot, one of the most effective actions is to engage in a new kind of activity. It is best to choose a sport that you are not yet familiar with. You can also look into group workouts.

For example, you are not motivated to go to the fitness club at all, bored with corporate volleyball. But squash on Sundays in pairs with a friend or colleague can be a great way to a new level of energy and inspiration.

It works very simply: a new activity helps to create new neural connections in the brain, sports provokes the production of a whole “bouquet” of positive hormones.

23. Try bodily practices

Another effective way to push your boundaries and go to the next level is to try body practices.

Exercises help you manage tension, develop emotional resilience, and improve your overall well-being. They increase awareness, reduce stress levels, develop strength and connect with your body.

What kind of exercises are there? There are many options: a variety of dance routines, massage, qigong, Pilates. You can try each body practice and choose the one you like best.

24. Take a new class

Another great way to push your boundaries and take your body to the next level can be new training. Any skill you want to learn will do.

The ideal option is, of course, face-to-face training. In addition to the immediate benefits, it will bring a sense of satisfaction from social interaction, group interaction.

A good option is online learning, with feedback from the teacher and the opportunity to communicate. It works the same way as with sports: new neural connections, happiness hormones, group interaction.

Learning allows you to go to another level and find meaning.

25. Have a photo shoot

A photo shoot helps you see yourself from a different perspective and free yourself from inner stiffness. Find a beautiful place and choose the images. Be sure to invite a professional photographer.

Enjoy the process, experiment with poses and expressions. You can also try on images that previously seemed unfamiliar or even daring.

This practice expands your perception of yourself and possibilities. The resulting images will inspire you to further develop and reach new heights. They will also remind you that you are capable of many things!

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