Straighten your back: 5 minutes a day for beautiful posture

Not everyone can notice their own slouch and constantly control their back. And in order to keep it straight, many of us need to make considerable efforts. Fortunately, this can be avoided and perfect posture can be achieved if you spend at least a little time every day on a special set of exercises. Trainer and blogger Julia Smolnaya tells us how to achieve a flat back and straight shoulders at home in just five minutes a day.

How to achieve a beautiful posture

First, you should do five minutes every day and try to always find time for it. It really does not need much: each exercise is performed for only a minute.

And secondly, to remember to control your back during the day, set an hourly reminder in your phone. Or, if the first option is not optimal for you, hang a couple of signs “Keep your back straight” on the most visible places at home or at work. A little something like this can really help you avoid slouching.


Starting position: lying on your stomach.

Grasp your ankles with your hands and draw your knees slightly apart. As you exhale, arch your back. Try to straighten your legs and pull your shoulders to your knees. Hold in this position for three seconds, and on the fourth lower yourself.

After a minute has passed, gently pull your arms and legs to yourself, turn on your side and curl up in the fetal position. Lie down for a bit and then place your palms on the floor and come out on your knees. Bend your lower back, place your feet against your hands and slowly, vertebra by vertebra, straighten up. Reach your arms upward on the inhale, lower them on the exhale.

You can experiment with the position of the roller. Put it under your back a little higher or lower depending on where you have the clamp.

A detailed video instruction for the exercise complex can be viewed on Julia Smolna’s YouTube channel.

After the five minutes, do not rush to load yourself with heavy physical activity or work. Give your back time to rest and feel those pleasant sensations of relaxation and straightened posture.

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