These 4 reasons prevent you from pulling up on the bar a lot of times

These 4 reasons prevent you from pulling up on the bar a lot of times

Egor Khodyrev

Reasons why you can't do pull-ups

If you eliminate them, doing the exercise will be much easier.

Egor Khodyrev

fitness trainer

Why don’t you get a lot of pull-ups and how to fix it?

Pull-ups are a cool exercise for developing your back muscles. It is considered one of the most effective for the entire upper body. With regular exercise, you’ll get an athletic posture, strong arms, a V-shaped back and a strong grip.

Many people know – in order to do a lot of pull-ups, you need to follow proper technique and have a high level of physical development. However, there are several other reasons that prevent you from performing this exercise.

Weak grip

Grip strength can be divided into three components: pinching, squeezing and holding.

  • Pinching is the ability to hold objects with the fingers.
  • Squeezing – the ability to squeeze objects firmly.
  • Holding – the ability to hold a heavy weight for a long time.

A weak grip is a limiting factor in pull-ups. Arm muscles are weaker than back muscles and fatigue faster. This is why some lifters use gymnastic straps to tie themselves to the bar to perform more pull-ups. The stronger your grip, the longer you can hold yourself on the bar. If you want to make your grip more powerful, train your hands and forearms.

Weak biceps

The function of the biceps is to bend the arm at the elbow joint. This is exactly what happens when you raise your body to the bar during pull-ups. Pay attention to exercises that will make the biceps muscle of the shoulder more powerful. Excellent exercises such as bending arms with dumbbells sitting, “hammer” with dumbbells, bending arms with a barbell standing.

Poor control of the shoulder blades

Learn to arch and lower your shoulder blades. This skill will make the exercise easier to perform. The upper body becomes stiffer, because a large number of muscles are included in the work.

The second benefit is that when you control your shoulder blades, you will keep your shoulder joint healthy. When you learn how to control your shoulder blades, you will be able to lock your humerus into the joint. This will protect it from injury.

Being overweight

Fat doesn’t give you strength, so a few extra pounds are one of the reasons why you can’t do many pull-ups. You have gained weight that makes it difficult for your arm and back muscles to lift your body to the bar.

Reconsider your diet and adjust your activity throughout the day. Walk for two hours a day – on average you will burn about 500 kcal during this time. Perhaps, those extra 3-5 kg are just preventing you from doing the exercise.

How to pull up correctly

  • Grasp the bar with hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Before pulling up, slightly tense your shoulder blades, lower them down and bring them together. Push your chest forward.
  • As you exhale, pull the upper part of the chest to the bar with a powerful movement. Try to squeeze the bar firmly to better engage the muscles of the arms.
  • We make the movement by pulling back the elbows. The shoulder blades are in tension throughout the exercise.
  • On an inhalation, slowly lower to the starting position.

If you want to learn how to do pull-ups on the bar from scratch, read in this article how to do it quickly and safely for your health.

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