What am I doing wrong? 7 actions that will make HWL completely useless

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle are trumpeted on every corner. And indeed, what could be wrong with eating right, exercising, being energetic and ready for great achievements? But beginners can be difficult to understand all the intricacies of HWL. And, having made a number of mistakes, you will seriously complicate your way to a healthy body and spirit, or even cut off all aspirations on the root. Edition Nylon has analyzed the main pitfalls that you may encounter on the way to the right way of life.

Frequent change of diets

HWL implies proper nutrition, but the number of different diets in the unprepared person begins to ripple in the eyes. Media personalities over and over praise different systems: ketodiet, sirtfud, flexitarianism, DASH and bring a bunch of other obscure words. Everything looks tempting and you want to try it all.

Today, you eat five small meals a day, leaning toward grains, vegetables, and poultry. Tomorrow you switch to eggs, dairy and fish, and in a week you decide to organize yourself unloading days and eat only detox cocktails. After fasting for a few days, you simply can not cope and pounce on fried, fatty and sweet.

Such sharp and frequent transitions will play a cruel joke with your body, which will not have time to reorganize on a new type of food. There will be problems with the digestive system (gas, abdominal bloating, diarrhea) and immune system, as well as brain function.

How not to make a mistake? Do not try to change your diet dramatically, it is better to start small and move gradually. For example, eat more fresh vegetables, then slowly reduce the consumption of flour, give up evening desserts. Start drinking more water and less alcohol. Smooth transition psychologically will be perceived much easier, you will not break down, and therefore you will be able to develop the right habit.

Lack of sleep

You decided to do sports, but there is not enough time for it. You have to train early in the morning or late at night, depriving yourself of a couple or three hours of sleep. Unfortunately, it definitely doesn’t work that way. A full 7-8 hour night’s rest is vital for the body to recover, including from physical activity.

Lack of sleep now threatens obesity, diabetes and heart problems in the future. Plus, fatigue from lack of sleep can lead to injuries during sports.

How not to make a mistake? Give your body enough rest and learn how to sleep properly. Develop a schedule so that you wake up and go to sleep around the same time each day. Try not to stay up past midnight, put your phone away, turn off your computer and other devices. Sleep best in a quiet, dark and cool environment with a comfortable mattress and comfortable bedding.

Exercise on an empty stomach

First of all, working out on an empty stomach will not give you the expected results. Muscles will not only not grow, but also because of the cortisol produced by the body will begin to deteriorate. Secondly, without food and enough water you may feel dizzy, weak and nauseous. Thirdly, your concentration will decrease, and without it you run the risk of performing exercises incorrectly and getting injured.

How not to make a mistake? You need to keep a balance, because training with a tightly stuffed belly will not lead to anything good either. Energy will be spent not on working out muscles, but on digesting food.

You should eat about 2-3 hours before training. Even if you are going for a morning jog, an hour before it is worth an easy breakfast: porridge, yogurt or a banana. In any case, before the exercise should not load yourself with heavy food, it should be something light. And after the load you need another meal of a combination of proteins and carbohydrates. This can be lean chicken breast, fish, eggs, rice, fruits and vegetables, dairy products.

Lack of warm-up and warm-down

Warming up, you prepare your muscles for future loads or, in the case of warming up, on the contrary, “calm” the body. Not warming up can lead to injuries, and without warming up you may experience cramps and muscle pain.

How not to make a mistake? Warm-up and warm-down should be an integral part of any workout. They don’t require a lot of time, just 10 minutes before the class and 10 minutes after. The warm-up smoothly accelerates your heart rate and breathing rate, your muscles are warmed up by the blood flow. The warm-up helps to lower your heart rate and calm your breathing. If you gradually increase the pace in the warm-up, then you should decrease it in the warm-down. Jogging or stretching are suitable exercises.

Nutritional supplements

Drugstore windows are full of jars with biologically active supplements, sell them without a prescription to anyone who wants. But do not without a doctor’s prescription to choose and even more so to combine dietary supplements among themselves.
Not knowing what effect the various ingredients will have on your body, you can only harm yourself. They may contain substances that are not suitable for you in principle, and some trace elements and vitamins generally reverse the effect of each other. In addition, you can easily allow an overabundance of certain substances. For example, excessive consumption of iron causes nausea, and vitamin A – headache and liver damage.

How not to make a mistake? Nutritional supplements should be used only after examination and consultation with a doctor. The specialist will explain exactly what your body needs. One way or another, dietary supplements are not a necessary element on the way to a healthy lifestyle, and in most cases – a banal drain on your wallet. The main thing in healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition, exercise and adequate sleep.


Are you trying to get your body in shape and put in a full workout in the gym, but the next day you can not even get out of bed and feel like a wreck? That’s your body signaling that you’re overdoing it. Overzealousness, especially if you’re exercising for the first time in a long time, is completely pointless and can contribute to injury.

How not to make a mistake? Don’t try to take on everything at once. Your body needs time to adapt to intense exercise. A couple of hard workouts a week will be enough. The rest of the days can be diversified with lighter activities: walking or yoga.

Constant weight control

Constant weighing can only hurt your motivation. You will bitterly observe that either the weight jumps back and forth or stands still.

How not to make a mistake? First of all, weight is not the perfect and only indicator of health. It will not tell you anything about the ratio of muscle and fat tissues in the body, so you should not dwell on it. In addition, fluctuations during the day or lack of progress in weight loss are completely normal processes. The first is affected by the amount of drinking and eating, as well as trips to the toilet. In the second case, the mystery may lurk in the plateau effect – the slowing down of weight loss during weight loss. Or you began to spend fewer calories, and consume as much as before. Then it is worth adjusting the training program or reducing the calorie intake.

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