What can you compare the caloric content of seasonal fruits to?

Summer is the time of berries and juicy fruits. Watermelons, melons, apricots, peaches and apples – all this is not only delicious, but also very useful! However, even fruits should not be abused.

Myla Mykytyuk


It is important to remember that any very useful product in unlimited quantities can cause harm and any harmful – in limited quantities will not cause harm.


Calorie: 39 kcal / 100 g.

It’s August, which means that it’s the best time for watermelon. Gourds have been known since the times of Ancient Egypt. Scientists say that it was left in the tombs of pharaohs, so that they tasted them while in the afterlife. The berry was not only eaten, but also used as a cosmetic.

Among the products of plant origin watermelon – a record-breaker in the content of folic acid, which plays an important role in many biochemical processes of the body. It is also rich in trace elements: iron, magnesium, cobalt, fluorine and selenium. Watermelon contains vitamins A, C, group B, natural sugars, pectin and fiber.

Myla Mykytyuk

Mila Mikityuk


Watermelon is useful to include in the diet of adults and children for general strengthening of the body, improving immunity and preventing avitaminosis.

Drink watermelon juice and eat the pulp is useful for those who need to reduce “harmful” cholesterol. This is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, anemia – all thanks to fiber. Watermelon juice between meals is useful for people with joint pain, and those who want to get rid of excess fluid in the body and cleanse the gallbladder.

Watermelon is not harmful to the body. But at the same time, we must not forget that, even though 95% of the liquid that makes up the berry, its glycemic index is high and equals 95. This means that soon after such a snack you will want to eat again.


Calorie: 35 kcal / 100 g.

Another “symbol” of August – juicy, flavorful and sweet melon. It consists of 90% water. Most of it is easily digestible carbohydrates, quickly giving a burst of energy. Fiber, which is rich in fruit, stimulates intestinal peristalsis and the gastrointestinal tract.

Melon concentrates a large amount of vitamin C: in some fruits the concentration of the vitamin reaches 40% of the daily norm. Thanks to this it helps the body to resist colds.

In addition, melon has a lot of silicon, so it improves the condition of hair and skin. The fruit contains a lot of iron, much more than, for example, fish or milk. It also has magnesium, which is very useful for the heart muscle.

Melon should not be combined with dairy products and alcoholic beverages – it causes digestive system upset. Do not be fond of a tasty berry to nursing mothers, as there may be digestive problems in the child. Abuse of the berry is not recommended for those who are diagnosed with diabetes, gastritis or peptic ulcer disease, since there is a large amount of sugars in the composition.


Caloric value: 44 kcal / 100 g.

Favorite fruits of summer are still considered apricots. They contain a large amount of sugar, so they have a fairly rich flavor.

In the composition of these fruits is a lot of calcium, they are rich in fiber. The latter helps to reduce the reading of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, protects the gastrointestinal tract and provides regular cleansing of the intestines. The high concentration of potassium in the fruit helps in strengthening the heart muscle and is useful for the bone system. The composition of apricots also contains a lot of essential oils.

The high content of ascorbic acid allows you to resist many diseases, including cancer. Due to the content of antioxidants and vitamins apricots are very useful for the skin and contribute to weight loss, as they accelerate metabolism.

Myla Mykytyuk

Mila Mikityuk


People prone to allergies should use apricots with special caution.


Caloric value: 45 kcal / 100 g.

Peaches have a “sweetness” is not as pronounced as, for example, in apricots, but they have a juicier pulp.

Peaches contain a lot of nicotinic acid, which ensures normal blood circulation and regulates the redox process. Since they contain a lot of zinc, they are good for the skin, hair and nails and help get rid of acne.

Myla Mykytyuk

Mila Mikityuk


On peaches should pay special attention to those who have a rather nervous work, as these fruits can prevent the appearance of depression and help the work of the heart.


Calorie: 52 kcal / 100 g.

Apples are probably the most common type of fruit in the world. They are rich in valuable vitamins, micro- and macronutrients, antioxidants. They consist of 80% water, the rest is fiber, organic acids and carbohydrates.

Freshly picked apples are considered especially useful. There are many useful components in the composition of these fruits:

  • pectin – improves the intestinal function, cleanses it from slags;
  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • iron;
  • minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, chlorine and copper.
Myla Mykytyuk

Mila Mikityuk


People who suffer from iron deficiency anemia should pay special attention to these fruits.

Calcium is important for the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system. Antioxidants prevent oxidative processes. And tannins help not to precipitate salts and are useful for the prevention of urolithiasis.

Myla Mykytyuk

Mila Mikityuk


Due to the fact that apples contain a large number of acids, they often cause a large appetite, so it is important to look at the individual reaction of the body. When losing weight, it is better to consume no more than 250 g of fruit per day.

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