What foods reduce testosterone production in men. List of prohibited

Testosterone is one of the main male sex hormones. It is responsible for libido, regulates many biochemical processes in the body, which directly affect the quality of life of a man.

Nata Gonchar

Founder of the International Institute of Integrative Nutritionology

Low levels of this hormone provoke obesity, depression, development of diabetes mellitus and other health problems that can be avoided if you lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a nutritious diet. I will tell you what foods to limit in a man’s diet to avoid testosterone problems.

Testosterone is responsible for many important functions, so it is necessary to monitor its level.

The normal indicator of the hormone provides:

  • production of fats in the liver;
  • synthesis of endorphins;
  • insulin production;
  • skeletal and muscle development;
  • libido and male potency.

If testosterone levels are normal, a man is full of energy, physically active, stress-resistant and motivated.

When testosterone levels drop, a number of health problems occur:

  • decreased libido;
  • loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia) and endurance;
  • erectile dysfunction and problems with conception;
  • insulin resistance;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • reduced bone strength (osteoporosis).

A nutritious diet is an essential element of a health-conscious man’s lifestyle.

It is also important for men to eat a nutritious diet and not sit on restrictive diets. A low calorie daily diet reduces the activity of testes enzymes (male sex glands), which catalyze the production of testosterone.

To keep testosterone levels normal, it is advised to limit a number of foods in the diet

Table salt

Salt is necessary for the human body, but not in excessive amounts. Excessive use of salt provokes inhibition of testosterone and sperm synthesis.

In addition, sodium increases blood pressure, reduces the elasticity of vascular walls, which has a detrimental effect on erections. In order not to harm your health and the level of testerone including, eat 5-7 g of salt per day (take into account that this spice is a part of almost all products of our diet).

I should note that a strong craving for salty foods may indicate a sodium deficiency. To replenish the amount of this substance, I recommend eating zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers.


Sugar is harmful not only in excess, but also when consuming the daily norm. The maximum daily norm of sugar for a man is six teaspoons. Sugar and sweet products provoke the release of insulin, which competes with testosterone for receptors. That is, the hormone is not synthesized as long as the receptors process insulin.

Here is told which sugar is less harmful.

Sugary drinks also have a negative effect on testosterone synthesis. Sugar consumption often becomes the cause of overweight and the development of diabetes mellitus type II, against which the level of testosterone decreases and potency deteriorates. In obesity, fatty tissue converts testosterone into estrogen (female hormone), which creates an imbalance of hormones in the male body.

Fast food

It is a major source of huge amounts of salt, sugar, preservatives, trans fats, flavors and fragrances. When “fast food” is abused, men quickly develop obesity and impotence. Australian scientists from Flinders University proved that within an hour after eating burgers and fries, testosterone levels drop by 25% and remain reduced for four hours.


The most harmful drink for testosterone. In the composition of this product there are phytoestrogens, which provoke obesity in the female type, depress testosterone, reduce libido. The rest of alcohol contains ethanol, which negatively affects testicular tissue and disrupts the production of hormones.

Smoked meats and sausages

First, store “delicacies” contain a large amount of salt, about the harm of which we have already told you. Secondly, such products are prepared with the use of smoking liquids, in which the permissible concentration of toxic substances is exceeded. Toxins penetrate into the tissues of the testicles and provoke a violation of the process of testosterone synthesis.

Sausage products can cause “sausage” headaches. Read more about it at the link.

To preserve men’s health and be in a great mood, add healthy foods to your daily menu. For example, sources of protein and “healthy” cholesterol: beef, fatty varieties of fish, shrimp.

Use olive oil, avocado, nuts as healthy fats that help to assimilate cholesterol (testosterone is synthesized from it).

To improve the synthesis of male sex hormones and increase testosterone levels, eat spinach and green salad leaves – they are rich in magnesium and zinc, remove toxins from the body.

Excess female hormones in the male body will help reduce broccoli and white cabbage – sources of fiber.

Read more about how much fiber you should eat a day and in what foods to look for it here.

Now you know what you should not eat to keep your testosterone levels normal and how to maintain male health with the help of healthy foods. Remember that regular exercise, adequate sleep, a minimum of stress and a balanced diet – this is the ideal scheme for preserving and increasing male health and strength.

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