What to do to stay fit without working out

What to do to stay fit without working out

Alexei Kochkin

Alexei Kochkin

What to do to stay in shape without working out

A lot depends on your training.

An intensive workout burns about 500 kcal. For four or five sessions we spend about 2000-2500 kcal. What happens if you stop training and leave your diet the same?

Alexei Kochkin

Antares X-Fit Premium fitness club manager

The number of kilograms returned directly depends on the number of calories consumed after stopping training.

Training normalizes the hormonal background and the endocrine system, increases the percentage of muscle mass. All this contributes to the fact that the metabolic processes in the body of the athlete occur faster. If you put training on pause, it is an extra 2000 kcal per week and 8000 kcal per month. And 1 kg of fat is 7000-7500 kcal, that is, plus 1-1,5 kg per month.

If you stop exercising regularly, be sure to reconsider your nutrition system. How quickly will the muscle mass go away? Two weeks without training will not affect it in any way, but glycogen, the enzyme that helps muscles to feed, will leave the muscles. That means less endurance.

The good news is that muscles can be easily and quickly rebuilt in the same two weeks. If you don’t exercise for longer than two weeks, the muscle mass that the body doesn’t need begins to be actively eliminated and broken down for energy – gluconeogenesis occurs. That is, the body perceives muscles as ballast, which requires a lot of energy expenditure.

Diet is also important. It should be balanced, include a sufficient amount of protein – it is the building material for muscles. You should not drastically reduce the calorie intake – if there is a lack of energy, the body will take it primarily from the muscles, because it does not need them now anyway.

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