What to do to survive after December 31? 4 tips to get rid of headaches

What to do to survive after December 31? 4 tips to get rid of headaches

Anton Berdov

How to survive after December 31st? 4 tips

If you can’t give up alcohol completely, at least stick to a few rules.

Anton Berdov

expert in the field of proper nutrition and dietetics, leading nutritionist of the Performance Group holding company

What to do to avoid a bad January 1?

New Year’s Eve is probably the most hearty feast of the year. The caloric content of the food eaten during this night can reach 3000 kcal, and 1/3 of it is often alcohol. It is the main cause of weight gain during New Year holidays – its use increases the feeling of hunger, which leads to overeating. Under the influence of ethanol in the brain processes are activated that awaken the appetite hormone. There is even such a term – “alcoholic overeating”.

Drink water after each toast

To avoid undesirable consequences in the morning, I recommend that you also drink clean water at room temperature after each toast. This will reduce the level of alcohol intoxication, normalize the water balance and protect the body from dehydration.

Therefore, I advise you to determine your type of alcohol beforehand, so you can better control the amount you drink during the evening.

Keep it in moderation

It’s important to remember that the tradition of drinking on New Year’s Eve so that you don’t wake up until January 2nd is a bad tradition! Endless alcohol consumption during the holidays will not improve your physical and psychological state. Sleep more, go for walks, exercise, socialize and spend time with your loved ones – this way you are guaranteed to relax and be energized for the year ahead.

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