Yoga for muscle tone: 8 simple asanas that will tighten your whole body

Yoga for muscle tone: 8 simple asanas that will tighten the whole body

8 simple asanas that will tone your body

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They will not only make your figure more graceful, but also teach you how to keep your balance.

Yoga is a philosophy that has been around for thousands of years. It entered mass culture relatively recently, and now it is a set of physical exercises and breathing techniques that help you stay in shape and give noticeable results. Today’s complex consists entirely of asanas, which will not only be beneficial for your well-being, but will also tighten your muscles well.

Chaturanga, warrior 1 and warrior 2, upward facing dog, and this is only half of the exercises that await you today. Don’t be confused by the slightly unfamiliar names, these are very simple elements that anyone can do, the only important thing is to be able to keep your balance. Turn on the video prepared by yoga instructor Nadezhda Akhmetova and start training!

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