Endocrinologist doctor named 7 hormones whose imbalance prevents you from losing weight

Veronika Ochirova

Endocrinologist at the Federal Research Center of FMBA of Russia

By their nature, hormones are biologically active substances produced by the glands of internal secretion, ensuring the smooth operation of all systems of the body. Influence on weight have: ghrelin, leptin, insulin, cortisol, dopamine, as well as sex hormones and thyroid gland.

Hormonal failure is not often the cause of overweight in men and women. In most cases, the root of the problem is eating disorders and hypodynamia (a consequence of reduced physical activity and lifestyle disorders). These cases can only be confirmed or ruled out with the help of a doctor.


Insulin is a pancreatic hormone responsible for regulating carbohydrate metabolism (transportation of glucose from the blood to the cells). Normally, after a meal, insulin is released into the bloodstream, allowing cells to obtain the necessary amount of energy from glucose.

If the body produces insufficient insulin or insulin-dependent cells lose sensitivity to its action (so-called insulin resistance), there is a failure in the metabolism of carbohydrates. The same applies to an excess of this hormone (hyperinsulinemia).

Excessive consumption of sugar (overeating) also aggravates the situation. Carbohydrates in this case begin to turn into fat, due to which the body weight increases.


Leptin is a satiety hormone produced in the small intestine. When the necessary amount of nutrients enter the cells during a meal, it sends signals to the brain that the body is satiated, so you can stop eating.

If the leptin system is malfunctioning, the brain may not receive the proper signals, and the person will continue to eat even when actually full. In severe forms of obesity, many people become resistant to even high concentrations of this hormone. This makes it very difficult for some people to limit their eating, as the feeling of satiety simply does not come or comes very late.


Ghrelin is a “hunger” hormone synthesized by ghrelin-producing cells in the stomach. It begins to work at times when the body runs out of nutrients. When it enters the bloodstream, it activates the hypothalamus, provoking a feeling of hunger.

Another important function of ghrelin is to stimulate gastric peristalsis to speed up digestion. The concentration of the hormone in the blood decreases 30 minutes to one hour after eating. If too much of it is produced in the body, the person is unable to satiate and control appetite.


Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands and is also known as the stress hormone, as its concentration in the blood increases in normal stressful and exciting situations.

Cortisol is also produced during heavy physical exertion. With excessive concentration of the stress hormone, the breakdown of fats is faster, so a person begins to feel hungry more often.

Persistently high levels of the hormone leads to metabolic disorders and causes chronic stress. If the cause of elevated cortisol levels is not neoplasms, but stress, then this condition does not require medication. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the level of negative emotions.


Dopamine, or the hormone of happiness and pleasure, is synthesized in the brain, adrenal glands, kidneys and intestines and is responsible for the psycho-emotional state of a person. Its deficiency often leads to overweight.

On the background of the “syndrome of lack of reward”, observed in the lack of pleasure hormone, can develop addictive behavior, in particular from food. The person will “reward” himself for unappreciated successes with products with excessive sugar, salt or saturated fats, such as a piece of cake or a meal at a fast food restaurant.

How to increase the production of happy hormones, told in the material.

With a normal concentration of dopamine in the blood craving for various stimulants is reduced, increases motor activity and normalizes appetite. But the deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones in the body leads to rapid increase or decrease in weight.


Hypothyroidism (lack of thyroid hormones) is accompanied by a decrease in metabolic rate and fluid retention in the body. Excess weight is most often caused by puffiness rather than fat deposits.

In hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormones), on the contrary, fat stores are rapidly depleted due to accelerated metabolism, so a person loses weight quickly and painfully.

Estrogen and progesterone

Lack of sex hormones in women (estrogen and progesterone) leads to the appearance of excess weight. This problem is very often faced during menopause, when the amount of estrogen produced begins to approach zero. However, extra pounds due to progesterone deficiency can also appear at an earlier (fertile) age.

Progesterone deficiency most often occurs against the background of severe stress or uncontrolled use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs).

What products reduce testosterone production in men. The list of prohibited can be found at the link.

Testosterone deficiency in men causes not only a decrease in sexual function, but also contributes to an increase in the number of fat cells in the body and an increase in body weight due to the deposition of fatty tissue on the female type – on the hips, chest and buttocks.

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