3 exercises to help strengthen your abs for diastasis recti
According to statistics, 2/3 of pregnant women face this problem.
We tell you together with the trainer.
Many people face such a problem as diastasis. You can improve the situation if the diastasis is small (muscle divergence up to 2 cm). Of course, it is necessary to consult a doctor for quality advice – he will help to determine the course of action. However, much depends on your efforts. It is important to do exercises that will activate the muscles, bring them to a working state.
supervisor and master trainer of World Class gyms
Diastasis is a side-to-side divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles. It appears most often after pregnancy or heavy weight gain.
With diastasis, you can not do classic exercises on the abs. It is worth starting with breathing practices. Then integrate the control of the abdominal muscles in the standing position, walking, strength exercises.
More about how to restore the figure after childbirth, told in the material below.
Breathing lying down
- Lie down on the mat, relax.
- Perform an inhalation, maximally inflating the abdomen.
- Then exhale, belly retract.
- To better control the movement, put one hand on your abs.
Breathing sitting
- Sit down, take a comfortable position.
- Perform an inhalation, maximally inflating the abdomen.
- Then exhale, belly retract.
- You can also place one hand on your abdomen to make it easier to control the movements.
Pelvic Clock
- Lie down, bend your legs at the knees.
- Imagine a dial, as if the hands are attached near the navel.
- Pass the circle by minimizing the tilt of the pelvis.
- First clockwise, and then counterclockwise.
The essence of these exercises is not in speed, so perform them slowly, engaging every muscle.
Another effective exercise that will help tighten the abdomen, told in the article.