5 functional exercises for your exercise routine from Oli Marquez

5 functional exercises for your exercise routine from Oli Marquez

Maya Jamaican

Maya of Jamaica

An intense all-around abs workout.

The morning at Quiksilver New Star Camp, the country’s premier sports and entertainment festival, begins with an invigorating functional workout from Roxy. A morning workout is not only a warm-up for your body before a busy day in the mountains, but also a boost of energy and a great mood.

All you’ll need today is a mat, some free space and a sports uniform. Our set of exercises, compiled together with the founder of the school of ideal body #SEKTA Olya Marquez, contains exercises for working the abs, and static exercises, at the end of each round, include the whole body.

Number of repetitions of exercises: 4 rounds.

Sumo squat with twisting.

Exercise time in a circle: 1 minute.

  • Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, take your hands behind your head;
  • Perform a classic squat (photo 1) and then return to the starting position;
  • Raise the left leg (photo 2) and perform a twist: touch the knee of the left leg with your left elbow;
  • Repeat the complex with twisting to the right leg. Alternate sides.

Bend to the side with arms raised and pull on one leg

Number of repetitions in one circle: 10 for each side.

  • Place feet shoulder width apart;
  • Extend your arms overhead;
  • Pull your arms to the side (photo 1);
  • Return to the starting position and simultaneously extend your arms in front of you and take your leg back;
  • In the ideal position, the arms and the extended leg should be at the same level.

Knee to elbow sitting twists (Knee to elbow sitting)

Number of repetitions perround: 30 seconds per side.

  • Sit on the mat;
  • Lift your legs off the mat (as in the photo);
  • Place your hands behind your head;
  • Perform a twist.

Lift the body from a lying position (Follow your legs).

Number of repetitions in one round: 20 times.

  • Lie on the mat;
  • Raise your legs to a 90 degree angle;
  • Place your hands behind your head;
  • Lift your torso and straighten your legs (photo 2).

Static exercise – star plank

Execution time of the exercise in a circle: 30 seconds.

  • Take the position: lying down, arms and legs spread wider than shoulders, fingers of hands look to the sides;
  • Hold a static body position for 30 seconds.
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :llorar: :cool: :flecha: :???: :?: :!:
