A set of exercises for working the back muscles from the master of sports in bodybuilding

A set of exercises to work the back muscles from the master of sports in bodybuilding

Stanislav Lindover

Stanislav Lindover shares effective training and analyzes typical mistakes that beginners can make.

A beautiful torso with a powerful chest and back is the ideal of many women and the dream of many men. How to achieve this? Stanislav Lindover, a famous fitness trainer and bodybuilder, will tell you about working out the back, while paying attention to possible mistakes in exercises.

Stanislav Lindover

master of sports in bodybuilding, European champion in the category of classical bodybuilding 180+.

The exercise you perform should look beautiful from the outside.

Upper block pull with a wide grip

  • Sit facing the block.
  • Put your palms wider than shoulder width around the handrail of the training machine.
  • Set the weight at which the load is felt, but the hands are fully controlled.
  • Pull the handrail up to your chest approximately up to your chin. Elbows go to the sides.
  • Bring the shoulder blades together at the end point.
  • Return the handrail upward to the starting position.

Possible mistakes:

  1. Excessive raising of the arms and shoulders when returning to the starting position. In this movement, the back muscles relax, the broadest and large round muscles of the back turn off from work. This makes all previous efforts useless, as the muscles must be in tension during any phase of the exercise.
  2. Back elbows with back deviation.
  3. Active inclusion of the biceps in the movement. When performing the exercise, the emphasis is on the back, so all other muscles should serve only as a link between you and the simulator.

Pulling the lower block to the abdomen

  • Sit on the trainer, knees slightly bent, lower back flexed.
  • Grab the handles of the machine.
  • Pull them up to the torso, pulling the elbows back. Bring them to the solar plexus.
  • Keep the elbows parallel to the torso, not apart.
  • Straighten the arms back and return to the starting position.
  • Slightly move forward.

Possible mistakes:

  1. Lowering the head during the pull. The exercise should not disturb the usual position for the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Complete straightening and relaxation of the arms when returning to the starting position. Muscles do not receive load throughout the exercise, which is necessary for effective training.
  3. Excessive back and forth oscillation of the torso.

Bench Pull

  • Stand facing the bar, feet shoulder width apart.
  • Bend your knees and grab the bar with your hands. Keep your pelvis back and your shoulders forward.
  • It is very important to keep your back straight and not bend.
  • Bend your knees and straighten up to your full height with the barbell in your hands.
  • The upward movement starts from the head.
  • The barbell slides along the surface of the tibia.

Possible mistakes:

Straightening the legs before the barbell leaves the ground. This error causes the back to arch and in this position, the weight is completely taken over. This is extremely injurious.

Pulling the barbell in an incline

  • Stand facing the barbell, feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent.
  • Grab the bar, placing your hands slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Straighten up, holding the bar in your hands.
  • Tilt the torso forward, almost parallel to the floor.
  • From this position, pull the bar to the torso. Elbows go parallel to the body.
  • At the end point of the barbell lift, the shoulder blades should be brought together.
  • Straighten the arms and return to the starting position.

Possible mistakes:

  1. Incorrect lumbar frame position. The back should form a slight curve.
  2. Returning the projectile to the floor with a rounded back. At this point there is a high risk of injury. That’s why it is necessary to put the barbell on the floor as concentrated as we lifted it.

Pullover in the block

  • Stand two steps away from the block and bend your torso forward and down.
  • Grab the handrail of the block a little wider than your shoulders.
  • Legs slightly bent, feet together.
  • Without bending your arms, pull the handrail to your hips.
  • Elbows turned to the sides.
  • Return the handrail to its place, bringing it approximately to the level of your head.

Possible mistakes:

  1. Rounding the back.
  2. Turning the shoulders inward.
  3. Pressing your chin against your chest. This makes all the muscles work unnaturally.
  4. Turning the elbows down. In this case, the triceps is included in the work, taking away part of the load from the back.

For detailed performance of the exercises, see the video on “Championship”.

Source: MuscleRussia.

This is the end of our effective back workout.

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