Boxing for beginners: how to master basic techniques at home

Self-isolation is a great way to experiment and learn new sports techniques. This way you can not only diversify your existing training plan so that it doesn’t get boring, but also simply get acquainted with the training process. After all, it is much more interesting to start it with non-standard types of training, rather than with the boring push-ups. Although you have to hand it to them, they work great too!

“Championship” throughout the past month went live on the official page in “VKontakte” to spend every morning with you free online training. These included a wide variety of activities, from the usual cardio and strength training to soccer drills and yoga.

The last training session of our cycle was dedicated to mastering basic boxing skills. It was conducted by an experienced athlete, world and European champion Grigory Drozd. Today he will help us to understand the basics of this sport and how to start learning them at home. And we, in turn, share with you the recording of the last session. Broadcasts of all other sessions are also saved in the community video album.

What is boxing at home and who is it good for?

Boxing training is one of the most popular in the fitness world, and it’s in demand among both men and women. These classes, contrary to a potentially misguided belief, are far from being narrowly focused. They are suitable even for beginners and develop coordination, endurance, thinking and in some cases speed. In addition, the basics of boxing can be mastered at home, because it requires minimal equipment: a gym mat and dumbbells of 500 grams.

Grigory: Home training will definitely help to keep the body in tone, improve the overall shape and strength of muscles. You will master the basic striking technique, it will be a good load on those muscles that are involved in the exercises. This is training at a low pulse rate, with very low intensity. Therefore, if there are no contraindications to exercise, the workout is suitable for everyone.

Basic scheme of home training

A boxing class should traditionally start with a warm-up for all muscle groups, but pay special attention to the shoulder girdle. It will be most actively involved in training.

Grigory: The training is aimed at the upper shoulder girdle, delts, arms, chest and partially hips. It includes about 11-12 blocks, the exercises are similar to each other, but nevertheless they are different. Basically all of them are aimed at the basic technique of punches in boxing: they are either summarizing or basic, which lead the punching technique in boxing.

“Championship” training includes various exercises that are performed in rounds. Although all the movements are quite simple, there are potential mistakes that you can make due to lack of experience. Therefore, you need to watch the positioning of your feet, head, body, elbows, hands and the position of your shoulder at the moment of impact. It is equally important to keep the balance of your entire body correct. And to make it easier to notice your own shortcomings, our expert advises practicing in front of a mirror.

After the main part of the training it is recommended to perform a standard warm-up, stretching, breathing exercises – you can do them sitting or lying on the floor. This will help the body to recover faster after the load. You can also take a contrast shower or massage if desired.

Progression and first results

If you exercise regularly, then over time the body gets used to the same loads. Therefore, it is better to make it more challenging or to introduce variety into your workout routine from time to time.

To add intensity to the session, the instructor advises you to perform the exercises faster and more often. Another great option is to gradually increase the time in rounds from 1,2-2 to 3 minutes and try to do more punches. And to make a variety will help one more flyhack, which requires a more serious investment.

Grigory: You can hang a piece of equipment at home – a punching bag – and hit it with gloves. It’s another step in quality and load. For progression, you can offer many lessons and techniques. They are generally similar, but if you train for a month three times a week, you will already have acquired the skills and feel the results.

It’s nice to see progress in all endeavors, but in sports it is only possible with regularity. Make boxing a regular hobby and you will feel your body, strength and even your emotional state improve.

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