Cheese plate: how does an Englishman manage to eat cheese every day and not get fat?

Two toasted buns, a pickle, a tomato, a slice of cheese and sauce is the standard sandwich line-up, but 52-year-old gardener Mark King would hardly like it. The man’s sandwich must have at least 400g of cheese, and the rest of the ingredients don’t really matter anymore.

King is a great lover of cheese. Without this product at the Englishman does not do without any meal, and over the past 25 years he has eaten more than seven tons of caloric delicacy. Despite the specific diet, Mark can boast a trim – especially for his age – figure. What is King’s secret and how he manages not to get fat on a cheese diet, he told The Sun.

How much cheese does Mark King eat in a week?

The man loves cheese, especially cheddar, so much that his wife Tracy has to serve it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as half a kilo before bed. King estimates that he eats about 6 kilograms of cheese per week – their calorie count of 22,000 calories compares to nine large pepperoni pizzas.

Regardless of portion size and calorie content, he will always eat a few cheese sandwiches a couple hours before bedtime.

His wife does not share her husband’s love for cheese and says that if she ate at night, she would definitely suffer from a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, while Mark has never complained about them. He assures that he has never faced heartburn, indigestion and other stomach problems. “The harder the cheese, the better,” King believes.

Unlike the gardener himself, his spouse is worried about his health. Recently, the man was vaccinated against COVID-19, after which he began to experience severe chest pains. This alarmed King’s relatives, but an examination showed that there was nothing wrong with the cheese lover’s health. “We thought he might be having a heart attack, but the doctors checked everything and said he was in great shape. I think the calcium his body got from the cheese did him good,” Tracy shared.

Videos of Mark’s wife or himself preparing the perfect cheese sandwich are gaining popularity on social media. Although the spouse admits that she herself would not eat such a thing, King simply adores them. The man’s four children also do not torture the love for cheese, comparable to their father’s, and at lunch they eat portions half the size of his.

Why Mark King does not get fat on a cheese diet?

Despite the high calorie content of such a diet, King does not look like a man who struggles with excess weight. At 52, he looks quite slim and trim, and his biceps and abs are the envy of young guys. So how does he spend the calories that are gained daily in huge quantities? In fact, the answer is very simple – a lot of physical activity.

By profession, Mark is a gardener and woodcutter. The work helps him stay in shape, without denying the pleasure of eating another “mini-sandwich”. The man has to carry logs and other heavy loads, so without noticing, he manages to waste all the extra calories.

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