Crossfit for the brain: neurologist named 9 simple exercises to pump memory and attention

When you were a child, you probably liked to memorize long carriage numbers backwards, to walk around your apartment with your eyes closed, trying to experience the life of blind people in this way, and, being right-handed, to periodically assign your left hand as the leading hand. At that time you could not yet answer yourself clearly: why do I need it?

Now such practices are called neurobics. Such unusual exercises pump creativity and develop critical and associative thinking, which has a beneficial effect on the synchronized work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Simply put – the development of brain activity. As people age, their mental abilities do not decrease, but information processing is slower, it becomes difficult to memorize the necessary information, attention concentration decreases and absent-mindedness appears.

Why neurobics is necessary

Neurobics is fitness for the brain. This practice helps to stay in good mental shape, staying sane and with a good memory.

Previously, it was believed that the human brain actively develops in childhood and then gradually declines. However, thanks to MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and a lot of research, scientists have come to the conclusion that the human brain is capable of changing and developing throughout life.

Nerve cells do not die off with age. When life becomes routine, they become exhausted and, if not stimulated, gradually atrophy.

Established habits and monotonous routine dry up our brain, so it is important to change your lifestyle, enriching it with new events and experiences.

The motto of neurobics is constant change of habitual lifestyle.

When we change our habitual activities or replace them with new ones, our brain makes new pathways for mental electrical impulses.

Thus, new neural connections are formed and other knowledge is “embedded”, which affects the change of habits, beliefs and the formation of other patterns of behavior.

In the previous article we told you about an interesting experiment in which scientists managed to find out whose brain ages earlier – female or male.

Neurologist shared with us simple exercises for the brain, which will help to develop mental activity, improve memory and imagination.

Neurobics in action

Rinat Gimranov

pediatric neurologist, neurologist, neurophysiologist, scientific director of the Clinic of Restorative Neurology

Everyday monotonous tasks and routine lead to the fact that our brain stops forming new neuronal connections, solving non-standard tasks, being in tone. Neurobics is useful for absolutely all children and adults without exception. To prevent this, it is enough to perform simple exercises up to five minutes a day.

1. Change your hands. Try familiar things to do with the other hand: hold a spoon, write, draw, wash your face, comb your hair. This is right hemispheric activation, responsible for creative development.

2. clap your hands and then touch your right hand to your left ear and your left hand to the tip of your nose. Then repeat these movements several times.

How do you create new neural connections? These 6 ways will make your brain work better.

3. Walk around your apartment with your eyes closed, and also try to guess objects in your hands by touch. This way you’ll engage those perceptual organs that are hardly used in normal life.

4. Read aloud with someone. During such reading activates those areas that are turned off during normal reading.

5. Incorporate new words into your thoughts. Try to communicate in original ways and formulate sentences in different ways.

6. Modify your normal speed. If you don’t tend to be in a hurry – try doing individual tasks quickly. If you have a different way of doing things, try slowing down.

7. Try to look for connections between things that are not different. Think about what similarities there might be between completely different items.

8. Slowly walk in one place, lifting your knee and bringing your elbow to it. This exercise activates the areas responsible for logical thinking and counting.

9. On the Internet you can find pictures with words of colors, but painted words in completely different colors. For example, it says “red”, but the color of the word will be blue. You have to name the colors with which the words are colored.

Thus, neurobics enhances thought processes, slows down brain aging, and brings variety into routine life.

Utilize the brain to the maximum

New emotions and experiences greatly enrich our lives, increase mental clarity, keep the brain energized, develop attention, memory, thinking and imagination, thereby improving our quality of life, reducing anxiety and depression and revitalizing the nerve cells of our brain.

Some more effective ways to relieve stress and anxiety can be found at this link.

Neurobics has a positive effect on the brain, increasing its productivity. Live an interesting and rich life, use your brain to the maximum!

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