Diary of a Fat Man. Experiments of a slimmer: discoveries and failures

Before we get to the topic of nutrition, to which I have devoted two whole articles, a small summary of useful discoveries and tips that I have tried out on myself.

  • Analyze your body before making any lifestyle changes. Bioimpedance analysis can be the first step. Thanks to it, you will learn the structure of your body, calculate the percentage of excess fat, measure metabolism, breathing and learn a lot of interesting things about yourself. Here is the result of my analysis (bioimpedance analysis). I took it at my fitness club Crocus Fitness Kuntsevo.
  • Measure your waist once a week just below the navel and on an empty stomach. These are the main figures that will tell you whether the weight loss process is underway.
  • Analyze your diet before you change anything on the menu. MyFitnessPal, FatSecret and other smartphone apps are great for this. Calories, fats, proteins and carbohydrates will be right in the palm of your hand. A kitchen scale will help you measure portion weights, which you then need to enter into the app.
  • Reduce the portion size. Increase the number of meals to five meals 2-3 hours apart.
  • Don’t forget the water! It is recommended to drink 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight.
  • Gradually exclude from the menu foods that will not contribute to weight loss. During the experiment I completely excluded fried food, fast food, minimized sweets and removed my favorite cheese.Move progressively and then definitely will not experience difficulties with the refusal of habitual dishes.
  • Add sports, think about the final goal– all this we will discuss more than once in the framework of the blog.

Let us dwell on the interpretation of the main term only. Osteopathy is a scientifically proven method by which the doctor acts with his hands on the human body. On “Championship” we have already analyzed this direction in detail, so let’s go straight to my impressions.

For the purity of the experiment I needed not just a specialist, but a whole institution that specializes in osteopathy. The choice was made on the recommendation and fell on “Osteopolyclinic”. Before entering the doctor’s office, I felt a slight chill. Who knows what awaits me. But when I saw the doctor with a favorable attitude, the nervousness went away by itself. I was to be examined by a girl, and even the fact that it is necessary to stay only in underwear, did not frighten. I felt the power of proper psychological contact with the patient.

I spent almost an hour on the couch. During this time osteopath with the help of palpation method checked the joints of hands and feet, muscle tissues of the whole body, tried to identify disorders of mobility of internal organs and tissues. She paid special attention to the spine. She identified vertebrae that needed daily warm-up: hands behind the head, head slightly tilted forward and very slowly moving left and right.

A comprehensive examination of internal organs revealed no pathologies or changes. At the same time, the doctor clearly identified the places where there were injuries and damages. She gave appropriate recommendations. Near the end of the session, I began to understand why some of my friends are delighted with osteopathy:

  • without painful procedures, tests and drugs, you can get a diagnosis of the whole body with the indication of problem areas
  • specialist’s recommendations allow you to positively influence the body without any skills and additional equipment, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Not only physical, but also psychological burden is lifted from your shoulders. I experienced a mixed feeling of relaxation and mobilization of the body.
  • Osteopathy is another method of checking your body. When working out in the gym and on exercise machines, especially without a trainer, many experience fear that they are negatively affecting their bodies. Fear of the health consequences. But when you know that everything is fine or, on the contrary, some exercises should be excluded because of the negative impact, for example, on the hip joint, then the classes are much calmer.

Instead of a conclusion: everything fell into place

The osteopath was undoubtedly useful to me, because on the basis of his recommendations I slightly adjusted the program in the gym. If you work out regularly and intensively, then at least once to visit such a specialist is simply necessary.

Experiment on cleansing the body: how I failed the detox exam?

Let’s get back to food and my willpower. If you have read one of my past materials, you know what stress my body experienced on a working vacation, consider it a business trip. It was all the fault of tasty but unhealthy food and alcohol. The body needed a cleanse. The fashionable detox was called in to help.

The beautiful and at the same time scientifically serious word “detox” beckoned a new challenge. I didn’t even realize how daunting.

Detox (detox) is a program to cleanse the body. It is actually a new nutritional cycle that can last several days.

There are many detox programs, but most often it leads to a complete abandonment of familiar foods in favor of juices and smoothies. This is exactly the path I was destined to take.

“Experienced” colleagues warned me that the body should be prepared for detox without overloading it with heavy food for a while. A little later I got a call from a nice girl from SoloFood and gave detailed instructions on what to give up. It turned out that I would have to give up fatty and fried foods, meat, alcohol, milk and even coffee. If it will be difficult to keep a drinking diet, allow yourself celery. In addition, I was advised to replace strength training with a walk or yoga.

I was even a little upset, because I had a plan to have intensive classes in the gym. But I decided to take a risk and confirmed the start of the course just the day after returning from vacation.

The detox itself was supposed to last three days. How does it work? Cans with drinks were brought every morning, having previously agreed on a convenient time. On the first day I opened the package with great interest and saw 7 bottles with different fillings. On the lid was a sequential number and the optimal time to take them. Inside were all kinds of flavors and various combinations – carrot, beet, apple, ginger, lemon, followed by a bottle with strawberry, kiwi, apple, lemon.

Encouraged, I started the course. For the first half day, everything was going great. There was a lot of work, but there was enough energy. It felt like I was ready to last more than three days. But towards the evening, I missed the right interval of smoothie intake and I was overcome by hunger. Don’t make the same mistake I did. When I got home, I intuitively looked in the fridge. Saw the seventh bottle and realized it would go great with coleslaw. I chewed something on automatic and immediately felt better.

In the morning I had a workout at the gym. I didn’t want to refuse it, so I just warned the trainer that it was the second day of detox and I needed to go easy on myself. However, even not the most intense workout took a lot of energy. By the evening hunger was becoming insurmountable, and already closer to dinner I allowed myself some buckwheat with a boiled cutlet. I was enough for only two days, I did not pass the detox exam. And all because I ignored the advice of the consulting nutritionist and did not remove strength training from the schedule.

But. Those two days made me look at detox in a different way. I used to think it was all “women’s stuff” that was totally inappropriate for men. But then I learned more about the concept of “cleansing programs” and revised my views. Detox drinks are excellent at cleansing the body and removing toxins and toxins from it. As a result, disciplined adherence to the instructions results in reduced swelling, a boosted metabolism, and even improved skin quality. My colleague in the experiment lost 2.5 kilograms in three days, and it was probably this result that motivated me to try the program again.


Detox – useful and necessary thing, if you thoroughly follow all the recommendations. Prepare your body in advance, avoid harsh physical exertion, adjust not only your body but also your spirit. And that nice girl from Solofood warned me. It’s a pity that after my vacation I didn’t take another week to recover, it seemed that it would be very easy to hold out.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :llorar: :cool: :flecha: :???: :?: :!:
