Diet Myths. Will vegetarianism help you lose weight?

Diet Myths. Will vegetarianism help you lose weight?

Olga Sytnikova

Olga Sitnikova

Will giving up meat help to achieve the desired weight?

Once again, we are ready to destroy another myth about nutrition, which continues to spread rapidly from day to day. Last time we argued that the calorie content of a serving is far more important than its size.
Now let’s turn to a myth, or rather, to a whole group of stereotypes associated with a certain principle of nutrition.

Myth #5 – vegetarianism

Suddenly everyone is into a healthy lifestyle. On this wave, the commercial industry, along with advertisers, did not take long to wait. In all sorts of articles appeared a bunch of myths, unreasonable and in no way supported by facts. So, let’s understand in detail. Vegetarianism is not a diet, but an ideology that came to us from distant India. It is connected with Indian religious movements and is built on the principle of ahimsa – behavior leading to the reduction of evil in the world. According to this principle, any destruction spoils your karma and destiny in the next rebirths. This applies not only to a killed animal, but also, for example, to eating a bunch of parsley or a nailed mosquito. So even plant food has to be processed through rituals in order to have something to eat.

So unless you’re immersed in Hinduism, the momentary abandonment of meat is most likely just the influence of marketing. Vegetarianism is not just about giving up meat products. The belief that the human body does not digest meat well is in no way scientifically proven. At least our entire digestive system, starting with the mouth, is prepared to eat vegetables, fruits and meat. The idea of giving up meat in vegetarianism is on a completely different plane. Adhering to the idea of non-violence, you will have to give up not only meat, but also, for example, 90% of cheese and so on. Here everything is much more serious than it seems at first glance.

Remember that vitamin B12 is essential for the human body. Its absence greatly disturbs the balance of BGU and muscle building. To normalize a limited diet, you will have to use a bunch of supplements of all kinds: vitamins, enriched with biologically active substances food and others.
Vegetarianism should be a very conscious step. One should strive for harmony with the body and head, not advertising ideologies.

In general, for a short period of time, switching to vegetarianism can be useful as a training of willpower. However, it should be approached carefully, without going vegan and with strict adherence to the BJU.

All facts are taken from the book “Proper Nutrition for the Training Process” from the author of the popular Internet project “Crazy Drying” Vasily Smolny.

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