From behavior to looks: 8 signs that you have blue blood in your veins

Anna Justal

psychologist, business coach, author of the book “Inevitable Happiness”

In France, aristocrats are distinguished by specific features. For example, by a surname with the prefix “de”, a ring on the little finger or a special place of birth. Also most often they are believing Catholics and have a large family. Russian representatives of the nobility do not have such obvious distinguishing features. But still a number of characteristics can be distinguished. Let’s consider the features of character and behavior.

Behavior, character, status

1. High level of education

Such a person follows all the rules of etiquette and is characterized by good manners. He is also distinguished by the ability to control his emotions, facial expressions, gestures, movements and speech. He in any situation remains restrained, judicious and calm. Never hurts the feelings of others, respects the boundaries.

2. fine taste in clothing

A representative of the upper class will never boast of expensive brands and wear shouting vulgar clothes. His choice – things made of high-quality fabrics of calm, muted tones. And, of course, predominantly classic style. He will not allow the exit in an unironed or stale shirt. Such a man carefully monitors the cleanliness and quality of his shoes.

10 qualities of a true woman who attracts men, at the link.

3. Versatile development

Aristocrats have a good education. At the same time, they continue during life to learn new things, read a lot, preferring to understand in detail the topics that interest them. When choosing hobbies stop at intellectual, developing activities. As a rule, they are good at some kind of art. For example, they play a musical instrument or have a good understanding of painting.

4. Competent presentation of thoughts

Who but a descendant of nobility is able to support any conversation? This is the result of a lot of work that has been done since childhood. He was taught to read a lot and form his own opinion about the content. This greatly enriched his vocabulary, thanks to which he expresses his thoughts concisely, beautifully, competently and logically. A person from the elite knows how to control his intonation, and when discussing controversial issues, he never turns to raised tones.

5. Presence of high aspirations

Such a person has closed needs, which are typical for the lower stages of Maslow’s pyramid. Which are? Physiological, safety, respect and belonging to some community. Therefore, the needs of a higher level are relevant for him. This is a thirst for cognition, self-actualization and aesthetic interest.

Inessa Spinka

counseling psychologist

Representatives of the higher estates, of course, have material attributes of wealth. Many families still keep utensils, antiques, icons, books and other items that allow you to draw a conclusion about the origin. However, there are also other signs. For example, the features of appearance.

Aristocrats differed from commoners in their lifestyle, which gradually influenced their bodies and features. Some signs of wealthy lineage were passed down from generation to generation.

Traits in appearance

6. Vessels of blue color

Many people know the expression “blue blood”. Of course, the fluid running through the vessels of noble people has never been atypical color. The point is different: the skin of those who rarely go to the scorching sun and not accustomed to hard work, was pale and thin. That’s why the blood vessels were showing through.

7. The small size of the foot

To think about their ancestry should people with a graceful foot. The size usually does not exceed 37 centimeters. The rich, who traveled mainly in carriages and on horses, had small neat feet. This is not the case with commoners who spent a lot of time on their feet and experienced great physical exertion.

8. Long and thin fingers

Aristocrats were taught to play musical instruments from early childhood, so they are characterized by long, thin fingers. Representatives of the peasant class worked hard. They eventually formed large strong palms.

What signs distinguish a real man? You can find the list HERE.
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