How to compose effective affirmations and put them into practice?

We are increasingly turning to positive psychology. This is a new field that scientifically studies the process of positive human development and the conditions of well-being. Are you familiar with such methods as keeping a diary of your emotional state, writing gratitude notes and composing affirmations?

In this article we will try to understand the meaning of the latter term and the rules of its use.

Dina Babayeva

coaching consultant, change management specialist

Of all the field of information, the brain is insanely greedy for negative news, because it seems to him that the situation is under control.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations in psychology are short and clearly formulated phrases that need to be repeated many times to be effective. Only in this way the positive attitude embedded in this phrase is fixed in the subconscious mind of a person. The mechanism of influence of these attitudes on the brain is based on the effect of self-hypnosis.

Frequent repetition of short phrases is called autotraining, which positively affects the psycho-emotional state and promotes positive changes in life.

Affirmations allow you to develop self-confidence, get motivated and set up for a positive result, as well as to change the attitude to the events that have occurred. Often, suggesting something to ourselves, we begin to feel a little happier and calmer, set up to achieve success and lead a more active lifestyle.

A positive attitude should have an emotional impact on the person, causing strong positive associations.

For example, if you have long made a list of goals, but have not yet started to achieve them, then answer the question “what do I want to achieve?” and then make an image of the desired result in your head. In this way, you will increase your motivation and strengthen your belief in victory.

Dina: Metaphorically speaking, when there is a hurricane around, being in the center is the safest place to be. And in that sense affirmations can help us, but there is a danger. If we realize that we are trying to escape from objective reality and it is reflected in all areas of our life, then a positive attitude and constant repetition of affirmations can play a cruel joke. The task of any affirmation is to create that state of center and attitude from which we can perform objective actions in objective reality. In order to take advantage of opportunities, it is important to remain in a resourceful state, and properly selected affirmations can help in this. The main thing is that they set us up for certain actions and remove limiting beliefs from our system.

How to make affirmations correctly?

For affirmations to be effective, you must take them seriously and believe in their effectiveness. The correctness of composing these mental attitudes is also important. Here are some secrets that will help to formulate affirmations competently.

Affirmations should be stated in the present tense

To succeed in the desired sphere, first you need to get used to the idea that you already have all the necessary skills and abilities to achieve it. To do this, formulate affirmations in the present tense and believe in the result.

Let’s look at an example. Let’s say you repeat the phrase “I don’t want to be tedious” day after day. Your subconscious mind doesn’t perceive NOT, and you are actually indoctrinating yourself that you want to be tedious. This is the paradox.

Affirmations should be specific and evoke positive emotions

The point of affirmations is to evoke positive changes in our lives. When we give something a bright emotional coloring, it works much more effectively. More often use positive epithets and word combinations “with joy”, “with pleasure”, “with ease”. Specificity is also important.

When composing affirmations, mention details. Then the subconscious mind will clearly know what benefits and events it needs to attract in your life.

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