How to prepare for a marathon as a beginner? Some important tips

What distances should you choose for your first runs and how to bring your results to perfection?

An experienced marathoner and the founder of a running club tell us.

Each of us at least once in our lives has thought about taking up running. Someone just to keep fit, and someone to achieve some goals. But often it remains just a pleasant thought. To prevent this from happening, experts will tell you about how to properly start running.

Olga Klenovskaia


If a person has decided to prepare for a 42 km race, it means that he has made the first step – he already has an understanding of why he wants to run.

Where to start?

The question is what experience the person who decided to run a marathon has.

Itis important! If today he confidently runs half marathons – then to the marathon he is a little, 3-6 months. And if there is no experience of running at all, then you need to lay at least a year and a half from the decision to the first race.

If you have decided that a 42.2 km race is vital for you and you want to prepare for it, then the first step has already been taken. At first, you can think about buying running shoes and clothes, look for a coach or join a group of runners in a nearby park. But remember that the first step should be followed by the second, third and so on, because long-distance running requires long regular work.

Why you shouldn’t be afraid of distance running?

Alexander Elkonin

founder and coach of the ERA club – Elkonin Running Addicts

Human capabilities are almost limitless, with proper training people can run 100 kilometers without rest. The key words here are “with proper training”, i.e. after a long period of regular training with a gradual increase in running time and speed.

Distances of 5-10 km will be easy for most healthy people already in training after a couple of months of training (4-6 times a week), then you can try to run them for a while – amateur competitions are now very much, you can choose for any taste.

For a half marathon (21.1 km) you will need a longer training – about half a year. It will include long runs, up to 15-20 km, so that by the start the athlete will already have experience and understanding of how to run a half marathon.

The situation with marathon training is a bit different – the longest training sessions are rarely longer than 30-32 km, so the last 10 km of a marathon is terra incognita, an uncharted area for those running it for the first time. However, if you do not try to conquer the marathon distance “on the spur of the moment” and give enough time to training (confidently and safely – about a year and a half), then 42.2 km are quite possible.

What distances should you start training with?

Olga started running in 2010 at the age of 32. And she started with only 1.5 km!

Olga: I would run into the forest, run, get very tired, get out of breath and walk back. I went jogging on Saturday and Sunday – a total of 3 km a week. And I did not think about the fact that this is not enough (who is not enough?), because at that time I did not know runners, I had no one to compare myself with.

You should start running the distance that your body is able to digest today. And don’t force things – add no more than 10% of your running volume per week.

Maybe you can not run a kilometer at first – then you can alternate walking and running: go for an hour walk on foot and along the way how much to run in small segments.

How to choose shoes for the race?

The shoes in which you will master marathon distances are very important. It is important to choose them carefully.

Sneakers – a thing very individual. You should choose them in specialized sports shoe stores, try on at least 10 different brands and models and stop at those in which you are comfortable.

Olga: The length of the insole of the sneaker should be 1.5 cm longer than your foot. I wear normal shoes size 40 and sneakers 42.5. Otherwise, you will knock your toenails off. For a marathon, sneakers should be lightweight.

Running coach notes that brand new running sneakers before going out on a responsible start need a little updating, usually with the right selection a few training sessions are enough for them to become familiar and cozy.

With such a baggage of knowledge you are sure to succeed in the marathon, it is only worth starting. And remember: don’t be afraid, don’t rush, listen to yourself, and most importantly, enjoy what you are doing.

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